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    Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies

    Beschreibung Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies. The power of local currencies Communities everywhere are challenged by issues such as health, elder and child care, housing, education, food security and the environment. On the surface, these problems appear to be rooted in economic crisis-forexample budget cuts have triggered reduced public services, soaring food prices have created food security concerns, and the subprime mortgage disaster has spawned record increases in foreclosures and homelessness. However if communities could match their unmet needs with their underutilized resources, many would find that while their economies may bestruggling when measured in traditional terms, they possess enough genuine wealth to allow all their inhabitants to enjoy a vastly improved quality of life. Creating Wealth demonstrates how a healthy society can beattained through developing new systems of exchange. Using creative initiatives such as time banks, systems of barter and exchange and local currencies, cities and towns can empower themselves and build vibrant, healthy, sustainable local economies. In addition to presenting many compelling case studies of successful alternative currencies in action, Creating Wealth also explores the different types of capital that communities have to draw on, including natural, built, social, human, institutional, cultural, technological, and financial. This book will appeal to community activists, city planners and other public officials, and anyone interested in developing strong local economies. Gwendolyn Hallsmith is the founder and director of Global Community Initiatives and the author of The Key to Sustainable Cities . Bernard Lietaer is the world's leading authority on complementary currencies and the author of The Future of Money .

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    Download eBook « Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies ~ CREATING WEALTH: GROWING LOCAL ECONOMIES WITH LOCAL CURRENCIES Download PDF Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies Authored by Gwendolyn Hallsmith, Bernard Lietaer Released at - Filesize: 2.72 MB To read the PDF file, you need Adobe Reader program. If you do not have Adobe Reader already installed on your computer, you .

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    The Time Bank Solution (SSIR) ~ In recent years, meanwhile, several momentous forces have converged to create a new urgency around applying the time bank model on a large scale. A world increasingly dominated by a fixation on money requires a complementary currency that will open up opportunities to weave (or reweave) social connections. The Problem of Fiscal Monoculture. We live in a world preoccupied with money. Cost .

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    Smart Growth in Small Towns and Rural Communities / US EPA ~ Framework for Creating a Smart Growth Economic Development Strategy: A Tool for Small Cities and Towns (2016): Step-by-step guide to building a place-based economic development strategy. It is intended for small and mid-sized cities, particularly those that have limited population growth, areas of disinvestment, and/or a struggling economy. Smart Growth Self-Assessment for Rural Communities .

    Bernard Lietaer – Wikipedia ~ Human Wealth Books and Talk, 2004, ISBN 0-9745848-0-0; mit Robert Ulanowicz & Sally Goerner: Options for Managing a Systemic Banking Crisis. In: Sapiens-Revues. Band 2, Nr. 1, März 2009 Wege zur Bewältigung systemischer Bankenkrisen; mit Gwendolyn Hallsmith: Creating Wealth: Growing Local Economies with Local Currencies.

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    Wealth - Wikipedia ~ Wealth is the abundance of valuable financial assets or physical possessions which can be converted into a form that can be used for transactions.This includes the core meaning as held in the originating old English word weal, which is from an Indo-European word stem. The modern concept of wealth is of significance in all areas of economics, and clearly so for growth economics and development .