Beschreibung Finer Future: Creating an Economy in Service to Life. The blueprint for an inspiring regenerative economy that avoids collapse and works for people and the planet. Humanity is in a race with catastrophe. Is the future one of global warming, 65 million migrants fleeing failed states, soaring inequality, and grid-locked politics? Or one of empowered entrepreneurs and innovators working towards social change, leveling the playing field, and building a world that works for everyone? While the specter of collapse looms large, A Finer Future demonstrates that humanity has a chance - just - to thread the needle of sustainability and build a regenerative economy through a powerful combination of enlightened entrepreneurialism, regenerative economy, technology, and innovative policy. The authors - world leaders in business, economics, and sustainability - gather the environmental economics evidence, outline the principles of a regenerative economy, and detail a policy roadmap to achieving it, including: Transforming finance and corporations Reimagining energy, agriculture, ecosystems, and the nature of how we work Enhancing human well-being Delivering a world that respects ecosystems and human community. Charting the course to a regenerative economy is the most important work facing humanity and A Finer Future provides the essential blueprint for business leaders, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, politicians, policymakers, and others working to create a world that works for people and the planet. L. Hunter Lovins, Time Magazine's Millennium Hero for the Planet, is a business professor, President and Founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions, and co-author of The Way Out and the best-selling Natural Capitalism.
Our Finer Future â Creating an Economy in Service to Life ~ The Book: A Finer Future CREATING AN ECONOMY IN SERVICE TO LIFE by L. Hunter Lovins, Stewart Wallis, Anders Wijkman, John Fullerton . A Finer Future is aimed at business leaders, entrepreneurs, activists, and anyone who cares about the future of our planet. Rich with stories of communities implementing solutions, it describes the exciting news in the work to transform finance, business, energy .
Finer Future - Creating an Economy in Service to Life by ~ Hunter Lovins - NCS is raising funds for Finer Future - Creating an Economy in Service to Life on Kickstarter! A forthcoming book to be published by Natural Capitalism Solutions, Summer 2017
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