Beschreibung Money Masters of Our Time. An expert reviews the experts - new and updated appraisals of the winning investment strategies of the greatest financial wizards. Money Masters of Our Time is a reappraisal and revision of those money masters who have stood the test of time plus a look at new money masters. Train emphasises the parts of their various business careers that illuminate their investment techniques focusing on notable individuals whose decisions to buy and sell have actually made money grow. How do they reason? Where do they get their information? How much do they depend on fact and how much on psychology? What are their criteria in selecting a stock? What stocks are they buying now, and why? The ′Money Masters′ covered are: Warren Buffet, Paul Cabot, Philip Carret, Philip Fisher, Benjamin Graham, Mark Lightbrown, Peter Lynch, John Neff, T. Rowe Price, Richard Rainwater, Julian Robertson, Jim Rogers, George Soros, Michael Steinhardt, John Templeton, Ralph Wanger, Robert Wilson. Train centres on their investment techniques and methods and also gives brief biographical evaluations.
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Money Masters of Our Time by John Train - Goodreads ~ Money Masters of Our Time is a reappraisal and revision of those money masters who have stood the test of time plus a look at new money masters. Train emphasises the parts of their various business careers that illuminate their investment techni An expert reviews the experts - new and updated appraisals of the winning investment strategies of the greatest financial wizards.
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