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    Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900

    Beschreibung Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900. Of special interest to coin and bill collecters, as well as history buffs and students, is this clear, concise and intriguing explanation of the various coins and currencies used in Canada between 1600 and 1900. Covering the French, British, and Canadian periods of our history, the wide range of currencies used is explained: livres, pounds, playing cards, louis d'ors, eagles, shillings and dollars among others.Divided into geographical sections, each area of Canada from Newfoundland to the West is covered in detail tos how the ever-changing conditions of money and exchange. The concluding chapter brings together each of these threads and weaves a unified picture of the early Canadian monetary system. Aided by a generous selection of illustrations, figures and tables, A.B. McCullough has written a comprehensive guide to our monetary history that is both useful and interesting.

    Buch Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900 PDF ePub

    Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900 / Dundurn Press ~ eBook (EPUB): $9.99 Add to cart. eBook (PDF): $29.99 Add to cart. Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900. Primary tabs. View (active tab) Preview; Overview. Of special interest to coin and bill collectors, as well as history buffs and students, is this clear, concise and intriguing explanation of the various coins and currencies used in Canada between 1600 and 1900. Covering the French, British .

    Money and exchange in Canada to 1900 (eBook, 1984 ~ Get this from a library! Money and exchange in Canada to 1900. [A B McCullough] -- Of special interest to coin and bill collecters, as well as history buffs and students, is this clear, concise and intriguing explanation of the various coins and currencies used in Canada between .

    Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900: McCullough, A. B ~ Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900 [McCullough, A. B.] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900

    Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900: McCullough, A. B ~ Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900: McCullough, A. B.: 9780919670860: Books - .ca . Skip to main content.ca Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders. Try. Prime Cart. Books. Go Search Hello Select your address Deals Store Best Sellers New Releases Gift Ideas Electronics Home Help Computers Gift Cards Coupons Sell Registry Books. Books Advanced Search .

    : Customer reviews: Money and Exchange in Canada ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Money and Exchange in Canada to 1900 at . Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

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