Beschreibung Internet Marketing Bible for Accountants: The Complete Guide to Using Social Media and Online Advertising Including Facebook, Twitter, Google and Link. There are hundreds of books on internet marketing out there. Why should you choose this one? If you're responsible for handling the marketing for a large national or international company with a massive marketing budget and 40 hours per week to spend on it, this book is not for you. If you're such a beginner when it comes to the internet that you've never heard of Facebook or Twitter and have to ask a 13-year-old how to switch your computer on, this book is not for you. If you're an expert in all matters internet related, can set up a website before breakfast and you already have you own YouTube channel, blog and weekly podcast, this book is not for you. But if you're an accountant whose business covers a small geographical area, who's got a tiny, or non-existent, advertising budget and only a couple of hours a week to spend on your marketing activities, this book is the one for you. With the Internet Marketing Bible for Accountants, you don't need to wade through pages full of expensive and time-consuming strategies which aren't going to work for a local accounting firm like yours. Instead you'll learn how you can supercharge all your local promotional activity at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing methods such as advertising in your local newspaper. So why waste time and money reading other internet marketing books that don't meet your needs when everything you need to know is contained right inside this book?
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