Beschreibung The Appreciative Organization. Authors: Harlene Anderson David Cooperrider Kenneth Gergen Mary Gergen Sheila McNamee Jane Watkins Diana Whitney A Taos Institute Publication, The Appreciative Organization is based on the authors' diverse experiences in organizational life and they are unanimous in their view that the appreciative construction of meaning is essential to the efficacy of an organization and the fulfillment of its participants. In clear and direct language, the volume treats the challenges of decision making, leadership, group functioning, personnel evaluation, and the relationship of the organization to its context. Bold ideas are developed, examples described, and multiple suggestions developed for creating the appreciative organization. You will want to add this new "gem" to your personal library. This volume will be of special significance to consultants and organizational members who wish to see the key elements of appreciative inquiry realized in the everyday working of the organization. For more information visit the Taos Institute website:
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