Beschreibung Your Restaurant Sucks!: Embrace The Suck. Unleash Your Restaurant. Become Outstanding.. Do you want your restaurant to suck less? All restaurants can improve. All restaurants can take it to the next level,…even yours. If you don't think you need to improve, then stop reading here because we are not going to have much to talk about. With the horrific failure rates of restaurants, how can you ensure yours will not only survive but grow and thrive? If your restaurant sucks, it is because you suck at running it; 100%. Donald Burns, author of “Your Restaurant Sucks” has created a methodology and mindset honed from his Special Operations training in the US Air Force. As a Pararescueman, his training developed a keen sense of purposeful and fast decision making. In the military, he learned the phrase, "embrace the suck". Things get bad without any effort from you. Life has a funny way to throw curve balls and shake shit up just to make sure you are paying attention. When things go bad (and at some point they will) you have two options: you can resist it or you can embrace the suck. If it sucks, the best thing to do is adapt honestly and take control of the only three things you ever control: 1)Your focus. 2)Your mindset. 3)Your next action! It's time to embrace YOUR suck and take the vision of your restaurant to the level it deserves. This second edition of Your Restaurant Sucks! will help you suck less by embracing what sucks in your restaurant and in yourself. It’s time to step up!
Your Restaurant Sucks!: Embrace The Suck. Unleash Your ~ If it sucks, the best thing to do is adapt honestly and take control of the only three things you ever control: 1)Your focus. 2)Your mindset. 3)Your next action! It's time to embrace YOUR suck and take the vision of your restaurant to the level it deserves. This second edition of Your Restaurant Sucks! will help you suck less by embracing what sucks in your restaurant and in yourself. It’s .
Download Free: Your Restaurant Sucks!: Embrace The Suck ~ Read or Download Your Restaurant Sucks!: Embrace The Suck. Unleash Your Restaurant. Become Outstanding. Book by Donald Burns. It is one of the best seller books in this month. Avaliable format in PDF, EPUB, MOBI, KINDLE, E-BOOK and AUDIOBOOK.
: Your Restaurant Sucks!: Embrace The Suck ~ Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Your Restaurant Sucks!: Embrace The Suck. Unleash Your Restaurant. Become Outstanding.. Skip to main content Hello, Sign in. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Try Prime Cart. Kindle Store .
Donald Burns — Foodable Network ~ Increase your profits. Strengthen your team. Interesting facts: He holds 3 Black Belts in 3 martial art styles, including a 5th Degree Black Belt in American Kempo Karate. He is a former member of the elite USAF Pararescue Teams. He is the author of the book: Your Restaurant Sucks! Embrace the suck. Unleash your restaurant. Become outstanding.
Customer Service is the Bottom Line: Carlson, Andrew ~ Author Andrew Carlson has spent over 5 years studying great restaurants and the raving fans they create. In Customer Service is the Bottom Line, Andrew shows the importance of having an effective training program and why it’s vital to the success of your restaurant. Andrew identifies the challenges that restaurants face with the ever growing competition and how your restaurant can become the .
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: Your Restaurant STILL Sucks!: Stop playing ~ Change your thinking, make small changes in your behavior, change your habits and change your business. This book is written in a clear and easy to understand style by someone who is really in the business. I achieved big results using "Your Restaurant Sucks!" and I expect "Your Restaurant Still Sucks!" to give me the kick in the pants that I need to take my business to the next level. I have .
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