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    The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur's Guide: Doing Business God's Way

    Beschreibung The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur's Guide: Doing Business God's Way. What would happen in your business if you truly put the King's agenda first?When you are Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur, it is certainly not business as usual. In The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur's Guide: Doing Business God's Way, Shae Bynes takes you on a transformational journey by revealing the mindset, heart posture, and counter-cultural behaviors of entrepreneurs who desire to thrive in their kingdom business by putting Jesus Christ--The King of kings--and His agenda at the center of their plans. With Bynes' relatable and practical style of biblical teaching, this book will inspire and equip you for an amazing adventure with God that will not only serve others, but also bring glory to Him. Nothing is impossible with God as your Ultimate CEO and business partner. ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Shae Bynes is a passionate storyteller, teacher and mentor whose life and business were completely transformed through the power of encountering the unrelenting love of God. She is Founder and Chief Fire Igniter of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur, a global movement that inspires, teaches, and mentors entrepreneurs to be led by God in their business so they can experience His best and have a greater Kingdom impact in the marketplace.

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    Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur – Doing Business God's Way ~ We help you experience God’s best in your business and have a greater Kingdom impact in the marketplace. God has a dream for individuals, families, communities, and industries and it requires sons and daughters in the marketplace who are discovering and aligning with His heart and with their assignments.

    DOING BUSINESS GOD'S WAY: 4 cornerstones and 3 key ~ Doing business God’s way includes four cornerstones that will help you move into the light of universal laws, which must happen before we begin the entrepreneurial work of creating a business or expanding an established business. 1. Use the Bible as a learning tool. The first cornerstone is the utilization of the Bible as the learning tool for God’s principles to create, expand and .

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