Beschreibung Enterprise Agility with OKRs: A Complete Guide to Achieving Enterprise Business Agility. “Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react, and reinvent." - Bill GatesAre you "truly agile"? ......Can you cope up with this fast-paced and competitive environment?Are you ready to achieve Enterprise Agility to sustain businesses and drive outcomes?This book is specially designed for thought leaders who are leading agile transformation efforts, coaching agile or lean frameworks, implementing OKRs, or bringing more business agility to their enterprise. With step-by-step instructions, inspiring quotes, and real-world examples, this book offers everything you need to know in order to achieve Enterprise Agility (EA), including but not limited to:- The House of Enterprise Agility and its 6 Pillars---- Planning Agility---- Funding Agility---- Team Agility---- Technical Agility---- Leadership Agility---- HR Agility- Role of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results)- Real-world examples for well-written and poorly-written OKRsJoin me on the journey to enterprise agility. Grab your copy of the book today.
Enterprise Agility with OKRs: A Complete Guide to ~ This book is specially designed for thought leaders who are leading agile transformation efforts, coaching agile or lean frameworks, implementing OKRs, or bringing more business agility to their enterprise. With step-by-step instructions, inspiring quotes, and real-world examples, this book offers everything you need to know in order to achieve Enterprise Agility (EA), including but not limited to:
Enterprise Agility with OKRs: A Complete Guide to ~ Enterprise Agility with OKRs: A Complete Guide to Achieving Enterprise Business Agility / Agarwal, Aditi / ISBN: 9781087285115 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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Agility to action: Operationalizing a value-driven agile ~ In a traditional organization, strategy determines which business units own the profit and loss (P&L). Agile operating models typically redesign business units into cross-functional teams around end-to-end value streams, so P&L ownership often needs to be revisited. In an agile organization, core teams own the P&L and provide funding to other .
What are OKRs? Explanation and examples - What Matters ~ OKRs are calendar-based because tracking them regularly is like “working out”—you have to do it a repeatedly and regularly to make measurable progress in business goals throughout company levels for high output management. What are some OKR examples? The longest bridge in the world is currently the Danyang–Kunshan Grand Bridge in China, which spans 102.4 miles (165 kilometers). So to . / OKR software that drives results ~ The OKR system lets business leaders save time by creating alignment, agility and transparency at every level of the organization. Webinar: 20201 Annual Planning / Oct 27th at 10am PST / Register now → Annual Planning Webinar: What Top Business Leaders Do Differently / Nov 10th at 10am PST / Register now → Product overview Integrations Collaboration Data Authentication HRIS Pro .
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Agile IT Organization Design: For Digital Transformation ~ This book provides a complete guide to all of the organizational aspects of implementing Agile within the enterprise context, as well as providing extremely useful examples and cogent advice. I would recommend this book to anyone with a general interest in Agile through to senior managers looking to reenergize their enterprise organizations using the principles and practices of Agile."
Lean Integration: An Integration Factory Approach to ~ ""Lean Integration "is an excellent resource for anyone struggling with the challenges of performing integration for a complex enterprise." "-Steve J. Dennis, Integration Competency Center Director, Nike" Use Lean Techniques to Integrate Enterprise Systems Faster, with Far Less Cost and Risk By some estimates, 40 percent of IT budgets are devoted to integration.