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    Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the Contours of 21st Century Capitalism (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains)

    Beschreibung Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the Contours of 21st Century Capitalism (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains). Globalization has transformed how nations, firms and workers compete in the international economy over the past half century. This book by Gary Gereffi, one of the founders of the global value chains (GVC) framework, traces the emergence of arguably the most influential approach used to analyze globalization and its impacts. It studies the conceptual foundations of GVC analysis, the twin pillars of 'governance' and 'upgrading', along with detailed case studies of China, Mexico and other emerging economies as main beneficiaries of export-oriented industrialization, and addresses potential solutions to the deleterious impact of globalization on workers and communities.

    Buch Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the Contours of 21st Century Capitalism (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains) PDF ePub

    (PDF) Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the ~ Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the Contours of 21st Century Capitalism. November 2018; DOI: 10.1017/9781108559423. Publisher: Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 978-1-108-45886-3 .

    : Global Value Chains and Development ~ : Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the Contours of 21st Century Capitalism (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains) (9781108458863): Gereffi, Gary: Books

    Global Value Chains and Development - Cambridge Core ~ 'Global Value Chains (GVCs) are a key feature of the global economy in the twenty-first century. By providing the essentials of the GVC framework, unpacking the key concepts of governance and upgrading, and exploring the relevant policy implications - this collection of writings from the founder of this field is an essential companion to academics, policy-makers, activists and business leaders .

    Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the ~ Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the Contours of 21st Century Capitalism Gary Gereffi Globalization has transformed how nations, firms and workers compete in the international economy over the past half century.

    Front Page / Department of Sociology ~ Global Value Chains and Development: Redefining the Contours of 21st Century Capitalism (Development Trajectories in Global Value Chains) Gary Gereffi. Race and Rurality in the Global Economy. Michaeline A. Crichlow (co-editor) Global Value Chains and International Development: Framework, Findings and Policies. Gary Gereffi (co-editor) Racism Without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the .

    Digital Economy Report - Home / UNCTAD ~ UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT VALUE CREATION AND CAPTURE: IMPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES DIGITAL ECONOMY REPORT 2019 EMBARGO The contents of this Report must not be quoted or summarized in the print, broadcast or electronic media before 4 September 2019, 17:00 hours GMT Layout and Printing at United Nations, Geneva 1911016 (E) – July 2019 – 3,151 UNCTAD/DER/2019 .

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