Beschreibung Network Origins of the Global Economy: East vs. West in a Complex Systems Perspective. The upheavals of recent decades show us that traditional models of understanding processes of social and economic change are failing to capture real-world risk and volatility. This has resulted in flawed policy that seeks to capture change in terms of the rise or decline of regimes or regions. In order to comprehend current events, understand future risks and decide how to prepare for them, we need to consider economies and social orders as open, complex networks. This highly original work uses the tools of network analysis to understand great transitions in history, particularly those concerning economic development and globalisation. Hilton L. Root shifts attention away from particular agents – whether individuals, groups, nations or policy interventions – and toward their dynamic interactions. Applying insights from complexity science to often overlooked variables across European and Chinese history, he explores the implications of China's unique trajectory and ascendency, as a competitor and counterexample to the West.
Networking Origins of the Global Economy : East vs. West ~ Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Networking Origins of the Global Economy : East vs. West in a Complex Systems Perspective by Hilton L. Root (2020, Hardcover) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
The economic, geopolitical and health impacts of COVID-19 ~ The fragility of the global economy, which has high levels of indebtedness and asset bubbles, is a legacy of the way in which the 2008 global credit crisis was managed rather than solved. As pointed out in the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2020, there are a number of tipping points in the economic system and the economic consequence of a shock to the global system is likely to be .
Global Economic Prospects ~ Economic activity in the rest of East Asia and Pacific is forecast to contract by 1.2 percent in 2020 before rebounding to 5.4 percent in 2021. Among major economies of the region, Malaysia (-3.1%), the Philippines (-1.9%), and Thailand (-5%) are forecast to experience the biggest contractions this year. Download Chapter. Download Overview. Download Data. Europe and Central Asia. The regional .
Migration and Immigrants in Europe: A Historical and ~ The global economic crisis that started in 2008 might be considered the end of this third period, as it brought, at least temporarily, an end to ârapid economic growth, EU expansion and high immigrationâ (Castles et al. 2014, 103). However, as Castles, De Haas and Miller (ibid.) observe, the decline in immigration from non-European countries has been rather modest, and the anticipated mass .
The Facts of Economic Growth - Stanford University ~ The Facts of Economic Growth C.I. Jones Stanford GSB, Stanford, CA, United States NBER, Cambridge, MA, United States Contents 1. Growth at the Frontier 5 1.1 Modern Economic Growth 5 1.2 Growth Over the Very Long Run 7 2. Sources of Frontier Growth 9 2.1 Growth Accounting 9 2.2 Physical Capital 11 2.3 Factor Shares 14 2.4 Human Capital 15 2.5 .
The global companyâs challenge / McKinsey ~ McKinsey Global Institute research suggests that 400 midsize emerging-market cities, many unfamiliar in the West, will generate nearly 40 percent of global growth over the next 15 years. The International Monetary Fund confirms that the ten fastest-growing economies during the years ahead will all be in emerging markets. Against this backdrop, continuing advances in information and .
Chapter 10. Global Inequality â Introduction to Sociology ~ Wallersteinâs (1979) world systems approach uses an economic and political basis to understand global inequality. Development and underdevelopment were not stages in a natural process of gradual modernization, but the product of power relations and colonialism. He conceived the global economy as a complex historical system supporting an economic hierarchy that placed some nations in .
African migration: trends, patterns, drivers / Comparative ~ The analysis of the GBMD stock data will give a global and long-term perspective of the evolution of these migrations. The analysis of the DEMIG C2C flow data will give better insights into the recent evolution of African migration to Europe, North America and Oceania, as well as patterns of diversification in terms of destination and origin countries. To assess the level of development of .
Global Inequality - Inequality ~ But economic gaps have continued to grow as the very richest amass unprecedented levels of wealth. Among industrial nations, the United States is by far the most top-heavy, with much greater shares of national wealth and income going to the richest 1 percent than any other country. Global Wealth Inequality Global Income Inequality U.S. Wealth Concentration Versus Other Countries. Global Wealth .
The Global Problem of Gender Inequality / HuffPost ~ Beyond the economic costs, gender inequality also has severe individual and societal losses for a nation. While the female sex constitutes slightly more than 50% of the population, only 14 of the total 200 governments, or 7%, are headed by women. An adjustment of this inequitable representation will go a long way to correct global gender .
What is International Political Economy? ~ attempts to understand international and global problems using an eclectic interdisciplinary array of analytical tools and theoretical perspectives. IPE is a field that thrives on the process that Joseph Schumpeter called "creative destruction." The growing prominence of IPE as a field of study is in part a result of the continuing breakdown of disciplinary boundaries between economics and .
Economic development / Britannica ~ Economic development, the process whereby simple, low-income national economies are transformed into modern industrial economies. Although the term is sometimes used as a synonym for economic growth, generally it is employed to describe a change in a countryâs economy involving qualitative as well
The Modern World, Part One: Global History from 1760 to ~ Offered by University of Virginia. This is a survey of modern history from a global perspective. Part One begins with the political and economic revolutions of the late 1700s and tracks the transformation of the world during the 1800s. Part One concludes as these bewildering changes seem to be running beyond the capacity of older institutions to handle them.
Globalization - Higher School of Economics ~ published widely in the systems perspectives that underpin aspects of globalization, especially those related to decision making, knowledge management, systemic development and ethical inquiry. He has over 150 scholarly publications and is coeditor of the Journal of Globalization Studies. He serves on the editorial board of journals and is active in professional societies, including the .
Coronavirus: A visual guide to the economic impact - BBC News ~ The coronavirus pandemic, which was first detected in China, has infected people in 188 countries. Its spread has left businesses around the world counting costs and wondering what recovery could .
List of countries by regional classification - Meta ~ This table is used to do regional classification in a variety of contexts at the Wikimedia Foundation. Specifically it is used in conjunction with the MaxMind IP geolocation tool to group page requests. For compatibility, we use the ISO 3166 list of countries augmented by a few region names which are sometimes returned by MaxMind.. Sources [] .
Political economy - Wikipedia ~ Political economy most commonly refers to interdisciplinary studies drawing upon economics, sociology and political science in explaining how political institutions, the political environment, and the economic systemâcapitalist, socialist, communist, or mixedâinfluence each other. The Journal of Economic Literature classification codes associate political economy with three sub-areas: (1 .
The economic impact of colonialism / VOX, CEPR Policy Portal ~ The immense economic inequality we observe in the world today is the path-dependent outcome of a multitude of historical processes, one of the most important of which has been European colonialism. This column, taken from a recent Vox eBook, discusses how colonialism has shaped modern inequality in several fundamental, but heterogeneous, ways.
The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges ~ 2 Global economic growth, investment, trade and food prices 17 . and the need to adjust to major changes taking place in global food systems. We welcome the growing attention that the international community is paying to these concerns. Overall trends and issues have spurred the global community to action through a series of initiatives and agreements in 2015â16, which have reset the .
PHILIPPINES ECONOMIC UPDATE: INVESTING IN THE FUTURE ~ Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment Global Practice East Asia and Pacific Region . I PREFACE The Philippines Economic Update summarizes key economic and social developments, important policy changes, and the evolution of external conditions over the past six months. It also presents findings from recent World ank analysis, situating them in the context of the countryâs long-term development .
Ethical issues across cultures: managing the differing ~ For Americans, the 1980s and 1990s marked the realization of the global economy. Even ordinary consumers know more about the national origin of the products they consume. The biggest impact seems to have been on small businesses. The US Government and many states offer global business help to all businesses. As smaller firms enter the global .
Regional organization - Wikipedia ~ Regional organizations (ROs) are, in a sense, international organizations (IOs), as they incorporate international membership and encompass geopolitical entities that operationally transcend a single nation state.However, their membership is characterized by boundaries and demarcations characteristic to a defined and unique geography, such as continents, or geopolitics, such as economic blocs.
US Economic Outlook: For 2020 and Beyond - The Balance ~ Once the global economy recovers, investors may demand less of this ultra-safe investment, increasing yields and interest rates. Oil and Gas Prices . The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides an outlook on oil and gas prices from 2020 to 2050. It predicts crude oil prices will average $42/b in the fourth quarter of 2020 and $47/b in 2021 for Brent global and $45/b for West .
Complex Adaptive Systems - MIT ~ Examples of complex adapting systems include the economy, ecosystems, the human brain, developing embryos and ant colonies. Each is a system with a network of many agents acting in parallel. In an economy, the agents might be individuals or households. In an ecosystem, the agents are species. In a brain, the agents are nerve cells. In an embryo, the agents are cells. In each system, each agent .
The five trademarks of agile organizations / McKinsey ~ The trademarks include a network of teams within a people-centered culture that operates in rapid learning and fast decision cycles which are enabled by technology, and a common purpose that co-creates value for all stakeholders. These trademarks complement the findings from â How to create an agile organization.â The old paradigm: Organizations as machines. A view of the worldâa .