Beschreibung Trading As A Business: The Methods and Rules I've Used To Beat the Markets for 40 Years (Wiley Trading Series). Discover what legendary trader Dick Diamond knows about trading that you don't Trading as a Business: The Methods and Rules I've Used To Beat the Markets for 40 Years gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how Dick Diamond has become a successful independent trader for more than four decades. This vital resource reveals Diamond's methods for analyzing the market and knowing the right time to get in and out of trades. With this book in hand, you'll be able to tap into Diamond's strategy of 80/20 trading which offers an 80% chance of making a winning trade. Diamond also includes his six statistics that are critical for determining where the stock market is headed. This book is written for anyone who wants to learn the methods, tools, and techniques that will transform them from an ordinary investor into a trading force in the marketplace. Once you master the trading secrets from Dick Diamond, you will have the ability to make money in a business where you call the shots.* Filled with Dick Diamond's trading secrets for beating the market* Includes a wealth of trader strategies including Diamond's 80/20 technique* Discover how to identify and take advantage of the market's buy and sell zones* Learn what it takes to become an independent trader who makes money over the long-haul Break free of your old trading habits and discover Dick Diamond's tools and techniques for financial freedom.
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Trading as a Business (eBook, PDF) von Dick Diamond ~ Discover what legendary trader Dick Diamond knows about tradingthat you don't Trading as a Business: The Methods and Rules I've Used ToBeat the Markets for 40 Years gives you a behind-the-sceneslook at how Dick Diamond has become a successful independent traderfor more than four decades. This vital resource reveals Diamond'smethods for analyzing the market and knowing the right time to getin .
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