Beschreibung The Professional Ethics Toolkit. The Professional Ethics Toolkit is an engaging and accessible guide to the study of moral issues in professional life through the analysis of ethical dilemmas faced by people working in medicine, law, social work, business, and other industries where conflicting interests and ideas complicate professional practice and decision-making. Written by a seasoned ethicist and professional consultant, the volume uses philosophical ideas, theories, and principles to develop and articulate a definitive methodology for ethical decision-making in professional environments. Meyers offers the benefit of his expertise with clear and practical advice at every turn, guiding readers through numerous real-world examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts including role-engendered duties, conflicts of interest, competency, and the principles that underpin and define professionalism itself. Following the format of The Philosopher’s Toolkit, The Professional Ethics Toolkit is an essential companion to the study of professional ethics for use in both the classroom and the working world, encouraging students and general readers alike to think critically and engage intelligently with ethics in their professional lives.
The professional ethics toolkit (Book, 2018) [WorldCat] ~ The Professional Ethics Toolkit is an engaging and accessible guide to the study of moral issues in professional life. It analyzes and provides tools for making sense of ethical dilemmas faced by people working in medicine, law, social work, business, and other professions where conflicting interests and ideas complicate professional practice and decision-making.
The Professional Ethics Toolkit / Wiley ~ The Professional Ethics Toolkit is an engaging and accessible guide to the study of moral issues in professional life through the analysis of ethical dilemmas faced by people working in medicine, law, social work, business, and other industries where conflicting interests and ideas complicate professional practice and decision-making. Written by a seasoned ethicist and professional consultant .
: The Professional Ethics Toolkit (9781119045168 ~ The Professional Ethics Toolkit is an engaging and accessible guide to the study of moral issues in professional life through the analysis of ethical dilemmas faced by people working in medicine, law, social work, business, and other industries where conflicting interests and ideas complicate professional practice and decision-making.
The ethics toolkit: a compendium of ethical concepts and ~ The ethics toolkit: a compendium of ethical concepts and methods Julian Baggini, Peter S. Fosl 2007 Blackwell Pub., 2007 The ethics toolkit: a compendium of ethical concepts and methods 1405132302, 9781405132305 254 pages Julian Baggini, Peter S. Fosl The Ethics Toolkit provides an accessible and engaging compendium of concepts, theories, and strategies that encourage students and advanced .
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