Beschreibung Small Stocks, Big Money: Interviews With Microcap Superstars. Small companies come with big risk, but potentially life-changing reward Small Stocks, Big Money provides first-hand perspective and insider information on the fast world of microcap investing. In a series of interviews with the superstars of small stocks, you'll learn how to discover the right companies and develop a solid investment strategy with a potentially big payoff. Each chapter includes a short bio of the investor in question, and provides key insight into the lessons learned from the investments that made them millions--or in some cases, hundreds of millions. You'll learn each investor's top stock picks, and how they originally chose the investments that became their gold mines. Whether you're a professional investor or a novice, this book is a unique and valuable source of information for anyone interested in the volatile world of small stocks and big money. The smaller the company, the bigger the risk--and the bigger the potential payoff. These interviews show you how to avoid or mitigate those risks, and how to choose the stocks with the best potential from the perspective of those who have done it very, very successfully.* Learn the nuances of microcap investing* Read the stories of the pros who have made millions* Gain expert insight from top microcap investors* Avoid the potential pitfalls and reap the big rewards Taking a risk on a small company can lead to tremendous gains when they become an industry giant. The trick is in choosing the company that is likely to follow that trajectory, and allocating your investment appropriately to protect yourself in case of disaster. Small Stocks, Big Money gives you a head start by teaching you what the pros wish they knew then.
[PDF] Small Stocks, Big Money: Interviews With Microcap ~ Description: Small companies come with big risk, but potentially life-changing reward Small Stocks, Big Money provides first-hand perspective and insider information on the fast world of microcap investing. In a series of interviews with the superstars of small stocks, you'll learn how to discover the right companies and develop a solid investment strategy with a potentially big payoff. Each .
Small Stocks, Big Money: Interviews With Microcap Superstars ~ Small companies come with big risk, but potentially life-changing rewards. Small Stocks, Big Money provides first-hand perspective on the fast world of microcap investing. In a series of interviews with the superstars of small stocks, you'll learn how to discover the right companies and develop a solid investment strategy with a potentially big payoff.
âSmall Stocks, Big Money on Apple Books ~ Small companies come with big risk, but potentially life-changing reward Small Stocks, Big Money provides first-hand perspective and insider information on the fast world of microcap investing.In a series of interviews with the superstars of small stocks, you'll learn how to discover the right companies and develop a solid investment strategy with a potentially big payoff.
[PDF] small stocks big money eBook ~ Download Small Stocks Big Money books, Small companies come with big risk, but potentially life-changing reward Small Stocks, Big Money provides first-hand perspective and insider information on the fast world of microcap investing. In a series of interviews with the superstars of small stocks, you'll learn how to discover the right companies and develop a solid investment strategy with a .
Small Stocks, Big Money eBook by Dave Gentry ~ Small companies come with big risk, but potentially life-changing reward. Small Stocks, Big Money provides first-hand perspective and insider information on the fast world of microcap investing. In a series of interviews with the superstars of small stocks, you'll learn how to discover the right companies and develop a solid investment strategy with a potentially big payoff.
Small Stocks, Big Money: Interviews With Microcap ~ Small companies come with big risk, but potentially life-changing reward. Small Stocks, Big Money provides first-hand perspective and insider information on the fast world of microcap investing.In a series of interviews with the superstars of small stocks, you'll learn how to discover the right companies and develop a solid investment strategy with a potentially big payoff.
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