Beschreibung The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a Market Sell-Off (Wiley Finance Series). Cut risk and generate profit even after the market drops The Second Leg Down offers practical approaches to profiting after a market event. Written by a specialist in global macro, volatility and hedging overlay strategies, this book provides in-depth insight into surviving in a volatile environment. Historical back tests and scenario diagrams illustrate a variety of strategies for offsetting portfolio risks with after-the-fact options hedging, and the discussion explores how a mixture of trend following and contrarian futures strategies can be beneficial. Without a rational analysis-based approach, investors often find themselves having to cut risk and buy protection just as options are at their most over-priced. This book provides practical strategies, expert analysis and the knowledge base to assist you in recovering your portfolio. Hedging strategies are often presented as expensive and unnecessary, especially during a bull market. When equity indices and other unstable assets drop, they find themselves stuck - hedging is now at its most expensive, but it is imperative to hedge or face liquidation. This book shows you how to salvage the situation, with strategies backed by expert analysis.* Identify the right hedges during high volatility* Generate attractive risk-adjusted returns* Learn new strategies for offsetting risk* Know your options for when losses have already occurred Imagine this scenario: you've incurred significant losses, you're approaching risk limits, you must cut risk immediately, yet slashing positions would damage the portfolio - what do you do? The Second Leg Down is your emergency hotline, with practical strategies for dire conditions.
The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a ~ The Second Leg Down offers practical approaches to profiting after a market event. Written by a specialist in global macro, volatility and hedging overlay strategies, this book provides in-depth insight into surviving in a volatile environment. Historical back tests and scenario diagrams illustrate a variety of strategies for offsetting portfolio risks with after-the-fact options hedging, and the discussion explores how a mixture of trend following and contrarian futures strategies can be .
The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a ~ The Second Leg Down offers practical approaches to profiting after a market event. Written by a specialist in global macro, volatility and hedging overlay strategies, this book provides in-depth insight into surviving in a volatile environment. Historical back tests and scenario diagrams illustrate a variety of strategies for offsetting portfolio risks with after-the-fact options hedging, and the discussion explores how a mixture of trend following and contrarian futures strategies can be .
: The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting ~ The Second Leg Down offers practical approaches to profiting after a market event. Written by a specialist in global macro, volatility and hedging overlay strategies, this book provides in-depth insight into surviving in a volatile environment. Historical back tests and scenario diagrams illustrate a variety of strategies for offsetting portfolio risks with after-the-fact options hedging, and the discussion explores how a mixture of trend following and contrarian futures strategies can be .
Pdf The Second Leg Down Strategies For Profiting After A ~ Download The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a Market Sell-Off (The Wiley Finance Series) and read The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a Market Sell-Off (The Wiley Finance Series) online books in format PDF. Get also Books,Business & Money,Economics books in EPUB and Mobi Format. Check out other translated books in French, Spanish languages.
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The Second Leg Down: Strategies for Profiting after a ~ The Second Leg Down offers practical approaches to profiting after a market event. Written by a specialist in global macro, volatility and hedging overlay strategies, this book provides in-depth insight into surviving in a volatile environment. Historical back tests and scenario diagrams illustrate a variety of strategies for offsetting portfolio risks with after-the-fact options hedging, and the discussion explores how a mixture of trend following and contrarian futures strategies can be .
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