Beschreibung Understanding Business Valuation: A Practical Guide to Valuing Small to Medium Sized Businesses Book + Workbook Set (AICPA). This is a set that comprises the fifth edition of Understanding Business Valuation and a workbook. The fifth edition simplifies a technical and complex area of practice with real-world experience and examples. Expert author Gary Trugman's informal, easy-to-read style, covers all the bases in the various valuation approaches, methods, and techniques. Author note boxes throughout the publication draw on Trugman's veteran, practical experience to identify critical points in the content. Suitable for all experience levels, you will find valuable information that will improve and fine-tune your everyday activities. The workbook to be used in conjunction with Understanding Business Valuation, Fifth Edition, covers various valuation approaches, methods, and techniques. This fifth edition simplifies a technical and complex area of practice with real-world experience and examples.
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Wiley-VCH ~ A Practical Guide to Valuing Small to Medium Sized Businesses, Book + Workbook Set ISBN 978-1-119-63419-5 Juni 2019 169,- Euro This is a set that comprises the fifth edition of Understanding Business Valuation and a workbook. Bestellen : Trugman, Gary R. Understanding Business Valuation Workbook A Practical Guide To Valuing Small To Medium Sized Businesses ISBN 978-1-945498-95-4 Oktober 2018 .
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3 Business Valuation Methods - The Balance ~ Susan Ward wrote about small businesses for The Balance Small Business for 18 years. She has run an IT consulting firm and designed and presented courses on how to promote small businesses. Read The Balance's editorial policies. Susan Ward. Updated March 14, 2020 A business valuation is a way to determine the economic value of a company, which could be useful in several situations. For example .
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How to Value a Business for Sale: 5 Steps (with Pictures) ~ Only 30% of businesses on the market actually sell. Whether you want to sell a business and beat the odds, or you are in the market to buy a business, ensure a fair price for yourself by following these steps and properly valuing the business for sale.
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