Beschreibung LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies, 2nd Edition (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)). Give your LinkedIn profile the makeover it deserves--and get the attention you deserve Look at your profile: you know it could be a little better. Too many LinkedIn users are just posting a basic resume and hoping for the offers to come flooding in, missing out on the incredible opportunity the platform offers to properly showcase their talents, products, and services to 610 million professionals in over 200 countries. LinkedIn is way more than a resume tool--to display your professional past and present--it's also your career future and personal brand. Used to its fullest extent, it helps you demonstrate the unique value and culture you provide, the skills and aspirations that make you different, to get the outcomes you truly want. But how's it done? Profile branding expert Donna Serdula pioneered the concept of LinkedIn Profile Optimization and through her Website,, has helped over 5000 professionals use LinkedIn to achieve increased success. In this guide she applies that experience to help you use all of LinkedIn's capabilities to meet your goals, whether they be job search, reputation management, or sales--including how to:* Create a memorable, successful profile* Optimize personal keywords* Showcase your experience, accomplishments, and unique value* Use LinkedIn features to grow your network and more You never get a second chance to make a first impression--and people are Googling you right now: Get a fresh online look and get results!
LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies, 2nd Edition ~ Give your LinkedIn profile the makeover it deserves―and get the attention you deserve . All Books. Sign In. Faster previews. Personalized experience. Get started with a FREE account. LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies, 2nd Edition by Donna Serdula. 400 Pages · 2020 · 18.4 MB · 2,706 Downloads · New! Download. Preview" You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. ” ― Wayne .
LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies, 2nd Edition / Wiley ~ Profile branding expert Donna Serdula pioneered the concept of LinkedIn Profile Optimization and through her Website, LinkedIn-Makever, has helped over 5000 professionals use LinkedIn to achieve increased success. In this guide she applies that experience to help you use all of LinkedIn’s capabilities to meet your goals, whether they be job search, reputation management, or sales .
LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies, 2nd Edition ~ Give your LinkedIn profile the makeover it deserves—and get the attention you deserve . Look at your profile: you know it could be a little better. Too many LinkedIn users are just posting a basic resume and hoping for the offers to come flooding in, missing out on the incredible opportunity the platform offers to properly showcase their talents, products, and services to 610 million .
LinkedIn Profile Optimisation For Dummies 2nd Edition ~ LinkedIn Profile Optimisation For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance)) eBook: Serdula, Donna: Books-for-everyone: Kindle Store. Skip to content. Shop. Non Fiction Books; Newsletter . Sign up for Newsletter. Signup for our newsletter to get notified about sales and new products. Add any text here or remove it. Books-For-Everyone Latest Products. Name* Email* Select list(s .
Download PDF LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies ~ LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies shows you how to create a profile that enhances your personal brand, controls how others see you, and shapes a successful future for your career. Whether your goal is job search, branding, reputation management, or sales, people are Googling you—and your LinkedIn profile is more often than not their first point of contact.
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LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies Cheat Sheet ~ LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies Cheat Sheet; Cheat Sheet. LinkedIn Profile Optimization For Dummies Cheat Sheet. By Donna Serdula . Your LinkedIn profile is more than just your resume! It’s your digital introduction and first impression to the world. Make sure that first impression is a good one by optimizing your profile. This handy Cheat Sheet offers quick references to tools and .
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