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    Dead Companies Walking: How a Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places

    Beschreibung Dead Companies Walking: How a Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places. Unlike most investors, who live in fear of failure, Scott Fearon actively seeks it out. He has earned millions of dollars for his hedge fund over the last thirty years shorting the stocks of businesses he believed were on their way to bankruptcy. In Dead Companies Walking, Fearon describes his methods for spotting these doomed businesses, and how they can be extremely profitable investments. In his experience, corporate managers routinely commit six common mistakes that can derail even the most promising companies: they learn from only the recent past; they rely too heavily on a formula for success; they misunderstand their target customers; they fall victim to the magical storytelling of a mania; they fail to adapt to tectonic shifts in their industry; and they are physically or emotionally removed from their companies' operations. Fearon has interviewed thousands of executives across America, many of whom, unknowingly, were headed toward bankruptcy – from the Texas oil barons of the 80s to the tech wunderkinds of the late 90s to the flush real estate developers of the mid-2000s. Here, he explores recent examples like JC Penney, Herbalife and Blockbuster Entertainment to help investors better predict the next booms and busts—and come out on top.

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    Dead Companies Walking: How A Hedge Fund Manager Finds ~ Dead Companies Walking: How A Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places [Fearon, Scott, Powell, Jesse] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Dead Companies Walking: How A Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places

    [PDF DOWNLOAD] Dead Companies Walking: How a Hedge Fund ~ [PDF DOWNLOAD] Dead Companies Walking: How a Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in. Unexpected Places Author : Scott Fearon Pages : 256 pages Publisher : Macmillan USA 2015-03-01 Language : English ISBN-10 : 1137279648 ISBN-13 : 9781137279644. DESCRIPTION. none :) Download click the button on the last page :)

    Dead Companies Walking: How A Hedge Fund Manager Finds ~ Dead Companies Walking: How A Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places - Kindle edition by Fearon, Scott, Powell, Jesse. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Dead Companies Walking: How A Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places.

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    Dead Companies Walking: How A Hedge Fund Manager Finds ~ Hedge fund manager Scott Fearon explains why failure in business is not only common, but necessary—and how spotting it early can pay off, ISBN 9781137279644 Buy the Dead Companies Walking: How A Hedge Fund Manager Finds Opportunity in Unexpected Places ebook.

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