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    Global Politics: A New Introduction

    Beschreibung Global Politics: A New Introduction. The third edition of Global Politics: A New Introduction continues to provide a completely original way of teaching and learning about world politics. The book engages directly with the issues in global politics that students are most interested in, helping them to understand the key questions and theories and also to develop a critical and inquiring perspective.Completely revised and updated throughout, the third edition offers up-to-date examples engaging with the latest developments in global politics, including the Syrian war and the refugee crisis, fossil fuel divestment, racism and Black Lives Matter, citizen journalism, populism, and drone warfare.Global Politics:examines the most significant issues in global politics – from war, peacebuilding, terrorism, security, violence, nationalism and authority to poverty, development, postcolonialism, human rights, gender, inequality, ethnicity and what we can do to change the world;offers chapters written to a common structure, which is ideal for teaching and learning, and features a key question, an illustrative example, general responses and broader issues;integrates theory and practice throughout the text, by presenting theoretical ideas and concepts in conjunction with a global range of historical and contemporary case studies.Drawing on theoretical perspectives from a broad range of disciplines, including international relations, political theory, postcolonial studies, sociology, geography, peace studies and development, this innovative textbook is essential reading for all students of global politics and international relations.

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    Global Politics: A New Introduction - Edkins, Jenny ~ Global Politics: A New Introduction / Edkins, Jenny, Zehfuss, Maja / ISBN: 9780415684811 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Global Politics: A New Introduction - Edkins, Jenny ~ Global Politics: A New Introduction / Edkins, Jenny, Zehfuss, Maja / ISBN: 9781138060296 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

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    Global Politics: A New Introduction - Google Books ~ The 2nd edition of Global Politics: A New Introduction continues to provide a completely original way of teaching and learning about world politics. The book engages directly with the issues in global politics that students are most interested in, helping them to understand the key questions and theories and also to develop a critical and inquiring perspective.

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    Introduction to Global Politics / Taylor & Francis Group ~ The fully updated third edition of Introduction to Global Politics continues to provide a vital resource for students looking to explain global politics using an historical approach, firmly linking history with the events of today.By integrating theory and political practice at individual, state, and global levels, students are introduced to key developments in global politics, helping them .

    Global Politics: A New Introduction - 3rd Edition - Jenny ~ The third edition of Global Politics: A New Introduction continues to provide a completely original way of teaching and learning about world politics. The book engages directly with the issues in global politics that students are most interested in, helping them to understand the key questions and theories and also to develop a critical and inquiring perspective.

    Global Politics - Peda ~ 1 Introducing Global Politics 1 2Historical Context 25 3 Theories of Global Politics 53 4 The Economy in a Global Age 83 5 The State and Foreign Policy in a Global Age 111 6 Society in a Global Age 136 7 The Nation in a Global Age 157 8Identity,Culture and Challenges to the West181 9Power and Twenty-first Century World Order209 10 War and Peace 239 11 Nuclear Proliferation and Disarmament 263 .

    : Global Politics: A New Introduction ~ The third edition of Global Politics: A New Introduction continues to provide a completely original way of teaching and learning about world politics. The book engages directly with the issues in global politics that students are most interested in, helping them to understand the key questions and theories and also to develop a critical and inquiring perspective. Completely revised and updated .

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