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    Cybersecurity Ethics: An Introduction

    Beschreibung Cybersecurity Ethics: An Introduction. This new textbook offers an accessible introduction to the topic of cybersecurity ethics.The book is split into three parts. Part I provides an introduction to the field of ethics, philosophy and philosophy of science, three ethical frameworks – virtue ethics, utilitarian ethics and communitarian ethics – and the notion of ethical hacking. Part II applies these frameworks to particular issues within the field of cybersecurity, including privacy rights, intellectual property and piracy, surveillance, and cyberethics in relation to military affairs. The third part concludes by exploring current codes of ethics used in cybersecurity.The overall aims of the book are to:provide ethical frameworks to aid decision making;present the key ethical issues in relation to computer security;highlight the connection between values and beliefs and the professional code of ethics.The textbook also includes three different features to aid students: ‘Going Deeper’ provides background information on key individuals and concepts; ‘Critical Issues’ features contemporary case studies; and ‘Applications’ examine specific technologies or practices which raise ethical issues.The book will be of much interest to students of cybersecurity, cyberethics, hacking, surveillance studies, ethics and information science.

    Buch Cybersecurity Ethics: An Introduction PDF ePub

    Cybersecurity ethics : an introduction (eBook, 2018 ~ "This new textbook offers an accessible introduction to the topic of cybersecurity ethics. The book is split into three parts. Part I provides an introduction to the field of ethics, philosophy and philosophy of science, three ethical frameworks - virtue ethics, utilitarian ethics and communitarian ethics - and the notion of ethical hacking. Part II applies these frameworks to particular issues within the field of cybersecurity, including privacy rights, intellectual property and piracy .

    The Ethics of Cybersecurity / SpringerLink ~ Download book PDF. Download book EPUB. Chapters Table of contents (18 chapters) About About this book; Table of contents . Search within book. Front Matter. Pages i-xvii. PDF. Introduction. Markus Christen, Bert Gordijn, Michele Loi. Pages 1-8 Open Access. PDF. Foundations. Front Matter. Pages 9-9. PDF. Basic Concepts and Models of Cybersecurity. Dominik Herrmann, Henning Pridöhl. Pages 11-44 .

    An Introduction to Cybersecurity Ethics MODULE AUTHOR ~ An Introduction to Cybersecurity Ethics . MODULE AUTHOR: 3 toxifying our environment, or by reinforcing unsafe, unhealthy or antisocial habits). Technologies are not ethically ‘neutral’, for they reflect the values that we ‘bake in’ to them with our design choices, as well as the values which guide our distribution and use of them. Technologies both reveal and shape what humans value .

    Cybersecurity Ethics: An Introduction ISBN 9781138717527 ~ This new textbook offers an accessible introduction to the topic of cybersecurity ethics. The book is split into three parts. Part I provides an introduction to the field of ethics, philosophy and philosophy of science, three ethical frameworks - virtue ethics, utilitarian ethics and communitarian ethics - and the notion of ethical hacking. Part II applies these frameworks to particular issues within the field of cybersecurity, including privacy rights, intellectual property and piracy .

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