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    ISE Managerial Accounting for Managers

    Beschreibung ISE Managerial Accounting for Managers. Authors Eric Noreen, Peter Brewer, and Ray Garrison have crafted a streamlined Managerial Accounting book that is perfect for non-accounting majors who intend to move into managerial positions by focusing on the fundamentals to develop the conceptual framework managers need to succeed. This is done by adhering to the three core standards: FOCUS Noreen/Brewer/Garrison pinpoint the key managerial concepts students will need in their future careers. With no journal entries or financial accounting topics to worry about, students can focus on the fundamental principles of managerial accounting. The manager approach in Noreen allows students to develop the conceptual framework needed to succeed, with a focus on decision making and analytical skills. RELEVANCE Building student interest with its insightful Business Focus vignettes opening each chapter, current In Business examples throughout the text, and tried-and-true end-of-chapter material, students will always see the real-world applicability of Noreen/Brewer/Garrison. BALANCE There is more than one type of business, and so Noreen/Brewer/Garrison covers a variety of business models, including nonprofit, retail, service, wholesale, and manufacturing organizations. Service company examples are highlighted with icons in the margins of the text.

    Buch ISE Managerial Accounting for Managers PDF ePub

    Noreen, E: ISE MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS - Noreen ~ Noreen, E: ISE MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS / Noreen, Eric W. / ISBN: 9781260084122 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .

    Managerial Accounting for Managers - Noreen, Eric, Brewer ~ Managerial Accounting for Managers / Noreen, Eric, Brewer Professor, Peter C., Garrison, Ray H / ISBN: 9781259969485 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit .

    Noreen, E: Managerial Accounting for Managers Buch ~ Bücher bei Weltbild: Jetzt Noreen, E: Managerial Accounting for Managers von Eric W. Noreen versandkostenfrei bestellen bei Weltbild, Ihrem Bücher-Spezialisten!

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