Beschreibung Corporate and White-Collar Crime. This timely collection contains contemporary case studies and critical analyses by leading writers in the study of white collar corporate crime. It makes an invaluable contribution to the 'criminology of the corporation -Hazel Croall, Glasgow Caledonian University, U.K. Crime and unethical behavior in business corporations and public bodies is a growing area of study that is forming part of many criminology courses. This ground-breaking book from key scholars in Criminology and Management Studies provides a truly up to date overview of debates on corporate and white collar crime. Corporate and White Collar Crime will encourage students to develop a broad understanding of the topic. It further supports the learning experience by drawing upon interdisciplinary and international perspectives. Case studies and illustrative material are incorporated throughout, to help the reader to link theories and ideas with practical examples. Intended Audience: Aimed primarily at undergraduate and postgraduate students in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Business and Management Studies, the book will cross-over into many other disciplines including Law and Social Policy. "This is an innovative and multidisciplinary analysis of corporate and white collar crime that is both theoretically and empirically rich. The text serves as a poignant reminder why research involving the powerful must be a central part of criminological inquiry and why this book is essential reading" -Reece Walters, The Open University, U.K. "Again and again, pension funds are pillaged, investors fleeced, commuters killed, workers maimed, and communities poisoned. Why is it that so few of these acts are defined as crimes, and why is it that, even when they are, prosecution is so rarely effective? Corporate Crime and White Collar Crime addresses these very questions through its rigorous, well-developed analysis and its wide ranging empirical focus - on Eur
International Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime ~ The International Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime explores the complex interplay of factors involved when corporate cultures normalize lawbreaking, and when organizational behavior is pushed to unethical (and sometimes inhumane) limits. Featuring original contributions from a panel of experts representing North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia, this timely volume presents multidisciplinary views on recent corporate wrongdoing affecting economic and social conditions worldwide.
Minkes, J: Corporate and White Collar Crime: ~ This ground-breaking book from key scholars in Criminology and Management Studies provides a truly up to date overview of debates on corporate and white collar crime. Corporate and White Collar Crime will encourage students to develop a broad understanding of the topic. It further supports the learning experience by drawing upon interdisciplinary and international perspectives. Case studies and illustrative material are incorporated throughout, to help the reader to link theories and ideas .
Corporate and White Collar Crime (English Edition) eBook ~ Corporate Crime and White Collar Crime addresses these very questions through its rigorous, well-developed analysis and its wide ranging empirical focus - on Europe, North America, Asia and beyond. The book can help all of us to re-examine our understanding of the nature of crime and of criminals, and to reassess the costs as well as the benefits of our current economic, political and social .
International Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime ~ The International Handbook of White-Collar and Corporate Crime explores the complex interplay of factors involved when corporate cultures normalize lawbreaking, and when organizational behavior is pushed to unethical (and sometimes inhumane) limits. Featuring original contributions from a panel of experts representing North America, Asia, Europe, and Australia, this timely volume presents multidisciplinary views on recent corporate wrongdoing affecting economic and social conditions worldwide.
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White Collar Crime im Finanzsektor: Prävention, Bekämpfung ~ White Collar Crime im Finanzsektor: Prävention, Bekämpfung und strafrechtliche Folgen doloser Handlungen / Bayraktar, Ömer / ISBN: 9783958505544 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
White-Collar Crime in the Shadow Economy / SpringerLink ~ This open access book examines the magnitude, causes of, and reactions to white-collar crime, based on the theories and research of those who have uncovered various forms of white-collar crime. It argues that the offenders who are convicted represent only ‘the tip of the iceberg’ of a much greater problem: because white-collar crime is forced to compete with other kinds of financial crime .
White-Collar Crime: Detection, Prevention and Strategy in ~ Corporate crime, on the other hand, is enacted by collectivities or aggregates of discrete individuals. Pickett and Pickett ( ) use the terms financial crime, white- collar crime, and fraud interchangeably. They define white-collar crime as the use of deception for illegal gain, normally involving breach of trust, and some concealment of the true nature of the ac-tivities. White-collar crime i
Wovon spricht man häufig, wenn sich beispielsweise ~ In seinem Buch "White Collar Crime" analysierte Sutherland 1949 die Verbrechen, die von Unternehmen und Führungskräften begangen wurden und machte darauf aufmerksam, dass das Verständnis von .
Best ebook Corporate and White Collar Crime: Cases and ~ Watch fullscreen. 2 years ago / 0 view. Best ebook Corporate and White Collar Crime: Cases and Materials (Aspen Casebook) Review
SAGE Books - Victims, Crime and Society ~ Croall, Hazel. "Victims of White-Collar and Corporate Crime." In Victims, Crime and Society, edited by Pamela DaviesPeter Francis and Chris Greer, 78-108. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2007. doi: 10.4135/9781446212202.n4. Croall, Hazel. "Victims of White-Collar and Corporate Crime." Victims, Crime and Society. Eds. Pamela DaviesPeter Francis .
"White-Collar Crime" - Auch heute noch von Bedeutung? - GRIN ~ Der Abgrenzung zwischen „Corporate Crime“ und „Occupational Crime“ wird nachfolgend jedoch keinerlei weitere Bedeutung beigemessen, da sie teilweise auch synonym mit „White-Collar Crime“ oder „Economic Crime“ verwendet werden. [33] Zunächst zum Begriff: Mit der Metapher des „Weißen Kragens“ spielt Sutherland nach heutiger Deutung auf zweierlei Aspekte an. Zum einen ist .
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White Collar Crime: The Uncut Version: ~ Sutherlands study about white-collar crime is marvellous and really a revolution seen on the background when he wrote it - in the 40's of the last century, whhen the studies at "state of the art" mentioned, that poverty is the only reason for getting criminal - today a complete non-sense, as we yet know nowadays. Nobody is immune doing criminal acting.
White-Collar Crime Probes Likely to Intensify Under Biden ~ President-elect Joe Biden’s Justice Department is likely to ramp up white-collar crime enforcement, putting Wall Street firms and corporate executives under greater scrutiny.
Corporate and White Collar Crime / SAGE Publications Ltd ~ Corporate and White Collar Crime is an essential overview of this diverse subject area and encourages students to develop a broad understanding of the topic. Aimed primarily at undergraduate and postgraduate students in Criminology, Criminal Justice and Business and Management Studies, the book will cross-over into many other disciplines including Law and Social Policy.
Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime / SAGE ~ The Journal of White Collar and Corporate Crime is an international and a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal featuring high quality contributions from a community of global scholars and researchers. The journal is aimed at uncovering the interrelations of theoretical and empirical investigation of the crimes of powerfully organized people and institutions while advancing the .
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The Criminology of White-Collar Crime / Sally S. Simpson ~ This book asks not only how the study of white-collar crime can enrich our understanding of crime and justice more generally, but also how criminological advances over the last few decades can enhance our understanding of white-collar criminality. To that end, the volume brings together a distinguished group of criminologists, drawn from leaders in the study of white-collar crime as well as .
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Crime ~ RTL Crime ist der erste deutsche digitale Spartensender, der Ihnen die besten nationalen und internationalen Action- und Krimiserien 24/7 bietet.
The Criminology of White-Collar Crime / SpringerLink ~ This book asks not only how the study of white-collar crime can enrich our understanding of crime and justice more generally, but also how criminological advances over the last few decades can enhance our understanding of white-collar criminality. To that end, the volume brings together a distinguished group of criminologists, drawn from leaders in the study of white-collar crime as well as .
Blue Collar – Wikipedia ~ Unter den Begriffen Blue Collar (worker) und White Collar (worker) versteht man die zumeist in einem Produktionsbetrieb beschäftigten Industriearbeiter und Handwerker einerseits, und die Büro-, Handels-, Dienstleistungs- und ähnliche Berufe andererseits, oder allgemeiner die eher nur im Deutschen verbreiteten Begriffe von Arbeitern und Angestellten.