Beschreibung Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. The eagerly-awaited Second Edition of this successful, highly-praised textbook continues to provide an original and engaging introduction to organizational behavior. Now completely revised and restructured, Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger, and Tyrone Pitsis succeed in relating theory to practice at every step to equip students with a real understanding of how to apply organizational behavior ideas in the real world. Student-friendly case studies, examples and boxed features will stimulate and challenge students, encouraging them to develop critical thinking skills.
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and ~ Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice Fifth Edition by Stewart R. Clegg , Martin Kornberger , Tyrone S. Pitsis and Matthew Mount
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Managing and Organizations (5th ed.) by Clegg, Stewart R ~ A realist's guide to management, the authors capture the complex life of organizations, providing not only an account of theories, but also an introduction to their practice with examples from everyday life and culture discussing the key themes and debates along the way. Used by nearly 50,000 students and tutors worldwide, Managing and Organizations has been p raised for its breadth, innovative content and application to real life. Along with its f ull coverage of all the essential topics of .
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