Beschreibung Poetry Criticism. Poetry Criticism assembles critical responses to the writings of the worlds most renowned poets and provides supplementary biographical context and bibliographic material to guide the reader to a greater understanding of the genre and its creators. Each entry includes a set of previously published reviews, essays and other critical responses from sources that include scholarly books and journals, literary magazines, interviews, letters and diaries, carefully selected to create a representative history and cross-section of critical responses.Although poets and poetry are also covered in other titles from the Gale Literature Criticism series, < I>Poetry Criticism offers a greater focus on understanding poetry than is possible in the broader, survey-oriented entries in those series. Clear, accessible introductory essays followed by carefully selected critical responses allow end-users to engage with a variety of scholarly views and conversations about poets and their works. Students writing papers or class presentations, instructors preparing their syllabi, or anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the genre will find this a highly useful resource.
Poetry Criticism. Vol. 2. (eBook, 1991) [WorldCat] ~ Poetry Criticism Ser. Edition/Format: eBook: Document : EnglishView all editions and formats: Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Subjects: Poetry -- History And Criticism. More like this: Similar Items ; Find a copy online. Links to this item. find.galegroup Connect to online version from Literature Resource Center. Restricted to SIAST staff and students. LJ3LE7ZK2E .
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