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    Elbe, S: Pandemics, Pills, and Politics

    Beschreibung Elbe, S: Pandemics, Pills, and Politics. A pill can strengthen national security? The suggestion may seem odd, but many states around the world believe precisely that. Confronted with pandemics, bioterrorism, and emerging infectious diseases, governments are transforming their security policies to include the proactive development, acquisition, stockpiling, and mass distribution of new pharmaceutical defenses. What happens—politically, economically, and socially—when governments try to protect their populations with pharmaceuticals? How do competing interests among states, pharmaceutical companies, regulators, and scientists play out in the quest to develop new medical countermeasures? And do citizens around the world ultimately stand to gain or lose from this pharmaceuticalization of security policy?Stefan Elbe explores these complex questions in Pandemics, Pills, and Politics, the first in-depth study of the world’s most prominent medical countermeasure, Tamiflu. Taken by millions of people around the planet in the fight against pandemic flu, Tamiflu has provoked suspicions about undue commercial influence in government decision-making about stockpiles. It even found itself at the center of a prolonged political battle over who should have access to the data about the safety and effectiveness of medicines.Pandemics, Pills, and Politics shows that the story of Tamiflu harbors deeper lessons about the vexing political, economic, legal, social, and regulatory tensions that emerge as twenty-first-century security policy takes a pharmaceutical turn. At the heart of this issue, Elbe argues, lies something deeper: the rise of a new molecular vision of life that is reshaping the world we live in.

    Buch Elbe, S: Pandemics, Pills, and Politics PDF ePub

    Elbe, Stefan. 2018. Pandemics, Pills, and Politics ~ In Stefan Elbe's Pandemics, Pills, and Politics, he addresses the pharmaceuticalization of security policy through the lens of Tamiflu. From drug discovery to its marketing campaign as a MCM against pandemic flu, Elbe traces the sordid history of the wonder drug and addresses a question that has been plaguing Tamiflu for years—does it really work? Elbe's focus on Tamiflu and the development .

    Pandemics, Pills, and Politics - Kindle edition by Elbe ~ Stefan Elbe explores these complex questions in Pandemics, Pills, and Politics, the first in-depth study of the world’s most prominent medical countermeasure, Tamiflu. Taken by millions of people around the planet in the fight against pandemic flu, Tamiflu has provoked suspicions about undue commercial influence in government decision-making about stockpiles. It even found itself at the .

    Project MUSE - Pandemics, Pills, and Politics ~ Pandemics, Pills, and Politics shows that the story of Tamiflu harbors deeper lessons about the vexing political, economic, legal, social, and regulatory tensions that emerge as twenty-first-century security policy takes a pharmaceutical turn. At the heart of this issue, Elbe argues, lies something deeper: the rise of a new molecular vision of life that is reshaping the world we live in.

    Pandemics, pills, and politics : governing global health ~ Pandemics, pills, and politics : governing global health security. [Stefan Elbe] Home. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. Search. Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or Search WorldCat. Find items in libraries near you. Advanced Search Find a Library. COVID-19 Resources. Reliable information about the .

    Pandemics, Pills, and Politics / Johns Hopkins University ~ Pandemics, Pills, and Politics shows that the story of Tamiflu harbors deeper lessons about the vexing political, economic, legal, social, and regulatory tensions that emerge as twenty-first-century security policy takes a pharmaceutical turn. At the heart of this issue, Elbe argues, lies something deeper: the rise of a new molecular vision of life that is reshaping the world we live in. Sign .

    Stefan Elbe: free download. Ebooks library. On-line books ~ Stefan Elbe: free download. Ebooks library. On-line books store on Z-Library / B–OK. Download books for free. Find books

    Pandemics, Pills, and Politics: Governing Global Health ~ Pandemics, Pills, and Politics shows that the story of Tamiflu harbors deeper lessons about the vexing political, economic, legal, social, and regulatory tensions that emerge as twenty-first-century security policy takes a pharmaceutical turn. At the heart of this issue, Elbe argues, lies something deeper: the rise of a new molecular vision of life that is reshaping the world we live in. Books .

    Security and public health : pandemics and politics in the ~ Get this from a library! Security and public health : pandemics and politics in the contemporary world. [Simon Rushton] -- "For most Western governments, defending against the threat of infectious disease is now an accepted security priority. Deciding what resources and policies to put in place to protect populations .

    Pandemics, Publics, and Politics / SpringerLink ~ Pandemics, Publics, and Politics Staging Responses to Public Health Crises . Editors (view affiliations) Kristian Bjørkdahl; Benedicte Carlsen; Book. 7 Citations; 27 Mentions; 6.3k Downloads; Log in to check access. Buy eBook. USD 54.99 Instant download; Readable on all devices; Own it forever; Local sales tax included if applicable; Buy Physical Book Learn about institutional subscriptions .

    Community / University of Detroit Mercy Libraries ~ Stefan Elbe explores these complex questions in Pandemics, Pills, and Politics, the first in-depth study of the world’s most prominent medical countermeasure, Tamiflu. Taken by millions of people around the planet in the fight against pandemic flu, Tamiflu has provoked suspicions about undue commercial influence in government decision-making about stockpiles. It even found itself at the .

    Of presidents and health, history replete with secrecy, lies ~ Pandemics have cursed the presidencies of both Trump and Woodrow Wilson. Each played down the viruses that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. Both presidents got sick — and each had to decide how much to tell the public. Like many administrations before, Wilson’s White House tried to keep his sickness secret. He was at talks in Paris on ending World War I when he fell ill in April .

    Books/eBooks - Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources - CCSF ~ Stefan Elbe explores these complex questions in Pandemics, Pills, and Politics, the first in-depth study of the world's most prominent medical countermeasure, Tamiflu. Taken by millions of people around the planet in the fight against pandemic flu, Tamiflu has provoked suspicions about undue commercial influence in government decision-making about stockpiles. It even found itself at the center .

    Ebooks - Biology - CCSF Library at City College of San ~ Stefan Elbe explores these complex questions in Pandemics, Pills, and Politics, the first in-depth study of the world's most prominent medical countermeasure, Tamiflu. Taken by millions of people around the planet in the fight against pandemic flu, Tamiflu has provoked suspicions about undue commercial influence in government decision-making about stockpiles. It even found itself at the center .

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    “Disease Knows No Borders”: Pandemics and the Politics of ~ Download chapter PDF “Disease knows no borders” is a phrase used so frequently by academics, politicians, and public health professionals that it has become a truism. The expression captures a renewed sense of vulnerability to the microbial world that has arisen since the 1990s, due to the emergence and resurgence of infectious diseases in an increasingly interconnected world. The concern .

    READING REFERENCES - Europa ~ Pandemics, publics, and politics: staging responses to public health crises Kristian Bjørkdahl, Benedicte Carlsen . Palgrave Pivot, 2019 : Request via Ebook central . Pandemics are potentially very destructive phenomena, and for that reason, they both fascinate and frighten us. And because they are shot through with uncertainty, they often become sites of contestation and conflict. This book .

    Die besten 7: Security health im Angebot: Jetzt online ~ Elbe, S: Pandemics, Pills, and Politics Security Management: A Critical Thinking Approach (Occupational Safety & Health Guide, Band 14) Understanding and Responding to Global Health Security Risks from Microbial Threats in the Arctic: Proceedings of a Workshop (English Edition) Good Health Security Care [Explicit] Routledge Handbook of Global Health Security Advancing Workforce Health at the .

    The Ideological Securitization of COVID-19: Perspectives ~ Let’s start this enquiry from the Far Right – both as Radical Right parties and as Extreme Right movements (Mudde, 2019). Radical right leaders have exploited the fear mongering around COVID-19 to scapegoat foreigners for the pandemics and to propose the adoption of tougher entry and integration policies. The Italian case study is exemplary.

    Pandemics - Health Services Administration - Guides at ~ Reveals the surprising origins of the world's most deadly viruses, and how we can overcome catastrophic pandemics. Pandemics, Pills, and Politics (eBook) by Stefan Elbe ISBN: 9781421425580

    PlasticPills - Philosophy & Critical Theory Podcast ~ Pill Pod's Victor (@victorbruzzone) meets up with Michelle Charette (@michgenevievec) to co-host this interview with Professor Meredith Schwartz. They talk COVID and applied ethical philosophy. For more, check out Meredith's book The Ethics of Pandemics (https://amzn.to/34ODXoK) Share / Download (Loading) Pill Pod 19 - Derridalirium (preview) October 30, 2020. We asked our patrons to give us a .

    COVID-19 and the Linear Perspective of Global Security ~ This paper diagnoses the interaction and behaviour of states in the international system in the light of the blush of global pandemic and potential security threat. Globally, humankind continue to witness slough diseases such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Ebola, Human Immune Virus/Acquire Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), H5N1 (avian .

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    Aid, Diplomacy, Autocracy: Entering the COVID-19 Crisis in ~ Elbe, S. (2018). Pandemics, pills, and politics: Governing global health security. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. European Commission (2020). Trade/Human Rights: Commission decides to partially withdraw Cambodia’s preferential access to the EU market. Press Release, February 12.

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