Beschreibung Math Principles for Food Service Occupations. MATH PRINCIPLES FOR FOOD SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, 6E stresses the direct relevance of math skills in the food service industry while teaching the basic math principles that affect everything from basic recipe preparation to managing food and labor costs in a restaurant operation. All the mathematical problems and concepts presented are explained in a simplified, logical, step-by-step manner. New to this edition, illustrations in full color add visual appeal to the text and help culinary students to master important concepts. Now in its 6th edition, this book demonstrates the importance of understanding and using math concepts to effectively make money in this demanding business. Part 1 explains how to use the calculator. Part 2 reviews basic math fundamentals. The following parts address math essentials and cost controls in food preparation and math essentials in food service record keeping, while the last part of the book concentrates on managerial math. New topics to this 6th edition include controlling beverage costs; clarifying and explaining the difference between fluid ounces and avoirdupois ounces; and an entire new section on yield testing and how to conduct these tests. There are new methods using helpful memory devices and acronyms to help readers remember procedures and formulas, such as BLT, NO, and the Big Ounce. New strategies and charts are also shown and explained on how to use purchases in order to control food and beverage costs and how transfers affect food and beverage costs. In addition, sections have been added on how to control costs using food (or liquor, or labor) cost percentage guidelines. The content in MATH PRINCIPLES FOR FOOD SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, 6E meets the required knowledge and competencies for business and math skills as required by the American Culinary Federation.
Math Principles for Food Service Occupations - Strianese ~ Math Principles for Food Service Occupations / Strianese, Anthony J., Strianese, Pamela P. / ISBN: 9781435488823 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Math Principles for Food Service Occupations. Anthony J ~ Math Principles for Food Service Occupations. Anthony J. Strianese, Pamela P. Strianese / Strianese, Anthony J. / ISBN: 9781111307714 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Math Principles for Food Service Occupations - Anthony J ~ MATH PRINCIPLES FOR FOOD SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, 6E stresses the direct relevance of math skills in the food service industry while teaching the basic math principles that affect everything from basic recipe preparation to managing food and labor costs in a restaurant operation. All the mathematical problems and concepts presented are explained in a simplified, logical, step-by-step manner.
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Math Principles for Food Service Occupations, 5th Edition ~ Math Principals for Food Service Occupations teaches readers that the understanding and application of mathematics is critical for all food service jobs, from entry level to executive chef or food service manager. All the mathematical problems and concepts presented are explained in a simplified, logical, step by step manner. It is a book that guides food service students and professionals in .
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Math Principles for Food Service Occupations ~ MATH PRINCIPLES FOR FOOD SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, 6E stresses the direct relevance of math skills in the food service industry while teaching the basic math prin.
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Math Principles for Food Service Occupations, 6th Edition ~ MATH PRINCIPLES FOR FOOD SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, 6E stresses the direct relevance of math skills in the food service industry while teaching the basic math principles that affect everything from basic recipe preparation to managing food and labor costs in a restaurant operation. All the mathematical problems and concepts presented are explained in a simplified, logical, .
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Math principles for food service occupations (eBook, 2012 ~ Math principles for food service occupations. [Anthony J Strianese; Pamela P Strianese; Thomson Gale (Firm)] . eBook: Document : English : 6th edView all editions and formats: Rating: (not yet rated) 0 with reviews - Be the first. Subjects: Food service -- Mathematics. More like this: Similar Items ; Find a copy online. Links to this item. LJ3LE7ZK2E .
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Math Principles for Food Service Occupations: Strianese ~ MATH PRINCIPLES FOR FOOD SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, 6E stresses the direct relevance of math skills in the food service industry while teaching the basic math principles that affect everything from basic recipe preparation to managing food and labor costs in a restaurant operation. All the mathematical problems and concepts presented are explained in a simplified, logical, step-by-step manner. New .
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