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    Growing a Sustainable City?: The Question of Urban Agriculture (UTP Insights)

    Beschreibung Growing a Sustainable City?: The Question of Urban Agriculture (UTP Insights). Urban agriculture offers promising solutions to many different urban problems, such as blighted vacant lots, food insecurity, storm water runoff, and unemployment. These objectives connect to many cities’ broader goal of “sustainability,” but tensions among stakeholders have started to emerge in cities as urban agriculture is incorporated into the policymaking framework.Growing a Sustainable City? offers a critical analysis of the development of urban agriculture policies and their role in making post-industrial cities more sustainable. Christina Rosan and Hamil Pearsall’s intriguing and illuminating case study of Philadelphia reveals how growing in the city has become a symbol of urban economic revitalization, sustainability, and – increasingly – gentrification. Their comprehensive research includes interviews with urban farmers, gardeners, and city officials, and reveals that the transition to “sustainability” is marked by a series of tensions along race, class, and generational lines. The book evaluates the role of urban agriculture in sustainability planning and policy by placing it within the context of a large city struggling to manage competing sustainability objectives. They highlight the challenges and opportunities of institutionalizing urban agriculture into formal city policy. Rosan and Pearsall tell the story of change and growing pains as a city attempts to reinvent itself as sustainable, livable, and economically competitive.

    Buch Growing a Sustainable City?: The Question of Urban Agriculture (UTP Insights) PDF ePub

    Growing a Sustainable City?: The Question of Urban ~ Growing a Sustainable City?: The Question of Urban Agriculture Utp Insights: : Christina D. Rosan, Hamil Pearsall: Bücher

    Growing a Sustainable City?: The Question of Urban ~ "Growing a Sustainable City is unique in the way it balances multiple perspectives at play in shaping urban agricultural policy in Philadelphia. Christina Rosan and Hamil Pearsall’s timely and refreshing book doesn’t shy away from the race and class issues surrounding urban agriculture and it has the potential to influence ongoing planning, policy, and advocacy efforts in cities worldwide."

    United States Department of Agriculture iiiiiiii ~ urban agriculture. This fast-growing phenomenon has the potential to nourish the health and social fabric of communities and create economic opportunities for farmers and neighborhoods. But it also comes with a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Urban farmers, federal and city government agencies, and local organizations around the country have developed a variety of tools to help .

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    AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA - United Nations ~ This agricultural growth occurred in an unprecedented de-mographic context. In the last 30 years, Africa’s population has doubled overall and tripled in urban areas. The most direct con-sequence .

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