Beschreibung Murphy, R: Pearson Baccalaureate Essentials: Global Politics: Globpol Bundle (Pearson International Baccalau). COMING SOON - A brand new textbook and eText for the new Global Politics IB Diploma course Review from a Global Politics teacher at at the Canadian International School of Beijing: "It takes all of the essentials from the IB subject guide and presents them in a way that is useful and concise. The specific examples of each of the concepts is helpful for teacher planning. The ebook features look great and really play to the students' love of technology and ease of taking notes and finding definitions. The margins that feature vocabulary and synonyms are helpful for students studying for TOEFL and IELTS as they are always keen to increase their vocabulary. The charts, graphs, and graphics are also helpful for EAL students as well as students studying for those language tests (as interpreting graphs is often part of those tests). I would definitely use the book and would recommend it to other GloPo teachers. I think that this is what we as teachers have been waiting for and GloPo would be offered in more schools once this book is available and teachers become aware of it." This new course textbook and eText for Global Politics from our Essentials series, contains comprehensive concept-based coverage of the new Global Politics subject guide. Focusing on the overarching concepts, such as Power, Sovereignty and Peace, this new textbook and eText also supports students with key terminology and language, plus theoretical underpinnings and help with exam skills (essay writing and presentations in particular). The Essentials format - and focus on vocabulary - makes it perfect for EAL learners too. Plus, its clear structure is great for revision. Key features include: comprehensive concept-based coverage following the Global Politics subject guide up-to-date and relevant case studies and examples that allow students to develop an understanding of the local, national, international and global dimensions of political activity focused on preparing students for their Internal and External Assessments written in clear accessible language, with vocabulary and audio support - perfect for EALs only contains the essential information - great for revision too truly blended learning approach with printed textbook and eText with flexible interactive digital resources. Register your interest here View online samples here.
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