Beschreibung For What It's Worth: Business Wisdom from a Pawnbroker. The star of the reality show "Hardcore Pawn" draws on his rags-to-riches experiences as a third-generation pawnbroker in Detroit, revealing how the strategies of pawnbrokers can be applied for success in all areas of a sales career.
For What It's Worth: Business Wisdom from a Pawnbroker ~ For What It's Worth: Business Wisdom from a Pawnbroker / Gold, Les / ISBN: 9781591846390 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
For What It's Worth: Business Wisdom from a Pawnbroker ~ -- As a third-generation pawnbroker, Gold grew up in the business, dealing with customers who could be unruly and violent as often as they were friendly. He became good at selling just about anything and at buying items for what they were worth. Although he started at his family's small pawnshop, he has now expanded into a fifty-thousand-square-foot former bowling alley, making a thousand .
For What It's Worth: Business Wisdom from a Pawnbroker ~ As a third-generation pawnbroker, Gold grew up in the business, dealing with cusÂtomers who could be unruly and violent as often as they were friendly. He became good at selling just about anything and at buying items for what they were worth. Although he started at his familyâs small pawnshop, he has now expanded into a fifty-thousand-square-foot former bowling alley, making a thousand .
Download For What It's Worth: Business Wisdom from a ~ Download or stream For What It's Worth: Business Wisdom from a Pawnbroker by Les Gold. Get 50% off this audiobook at the AudiobooksNow online audio book store and download or stream it right to your computer, smartphone or tablet.
Les Gold - Wikipedia ~ Gold's autobiography, For What It's Worth: Business Wisdom from a Pawnbroker, was published on June 1, 2013 by Penguin/Portfolio. The book deals with his personal experience in establishing a successful pawn shop, and gives details on how he did it, and how anyone in any field can "think like a pawnbroker".
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License to Pawn: Deals, Steals, and My Life at the Gold ~ License to Pawn: Deals, Steals, and My Life at the Gold & Silver: : Harrison, Rick, Keown, Tim: Fremdsprachige BĂŒcher
The Pawnbroker (film) - Wikipedia ~ The Pawnbroker is a 1964 American drama film directed by Sidney Lumet, starring Rod Steiger, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Brock Peters, Jaime SĂĄnchez and Morgan Freeman in his feature film debut. The screenplay was an adaptation by Morton S. Fine and David Friedkin from the novel of the same name by Edward Lewis Wallant. The film was the first produced entirely in the United States to deal with the .
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