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    The Ultimate Consignment & Thrift Store Guide: An international guide to the world's best consignment, thrift, vintage & secondhand stores.

    Beschreibung The Ultimate Consignment & Thrift Store Guide: An international guide to the world's best consignment, thrift, vintage & secondhand stores.. The Ultimate Consignment & Thrift Store Guide is your international road map to the world's best consignment, thrift, vintage & secondhand stores. Find out where to shop and save thousands of dollars on nearly new designer clothing & accessories, furniture, household items, sporting goods, books & much more. Locate the best stores to bring your gently used clothing and other items and turn them into cash. Features hundreds of listings in the US, Canada and other countries. Handy tips to help you become an expert bargain shopper within the palm of your hand. For the smart, savvy shopper. Entertainment Weekly says, "These no frill listings are invaluable" www.savvyshoppingguide.com

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    The Ultimate Consignment & Thrift Store Guide: An ~ The Ultimate Consignment & Thrift Store Guide is your international road map to the world's best consignment, thrift, vintage & secondhand stores. Find out where to shop and save thousands of dollars on nearly new designer clothing & accessories, furniture, household items, sporting goods, books & much more. Locate the best stores to bring your gently used clothing and other items and turn .

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