Beschreibung Israel and China: From Silk Road to Innovation Highway. The relationship between Israel and Asia, which has evolved from strong historical ties symbolized by the Silk Road, today encompasses strategic partnerships in technology – what we call the Innovation Highway. Israel and China are perfect partners in this new era of globalization. They share strong and complementary competitive advantages with Israel contributing technology and innovation and China providing robust financial and manufacturing capability. Landmark business transactions and other economic factors have given Israel a prominent position on the Asian investor road map. This book analyzes the strategic relationships, supported by deep historical, cultural and spiritual links, between Israel, China, and other Asian countries, bringing together Israel’s expertise in innovation and Asia’s global position as a center of business. These are highlighted and explained, together with the bilateral activity of Asian companies in Israel and Israeli companies in Asia.
Israel and China ~ understanding asia's relationship with the jewish state home; the book; the authors; news; events; contact .
Book Launch: Israel and China: From Silk Road to ~ Fascinating book authored about the booming economic relationship between Israel and Asia. In their well-documented book, Lionel Friedfeld and Philippe Metoudi show how the Israel and China relationship has evolved from the strong ties of the past, symbolized by the Silk Road, to a new strategic partnership in technology, which they call the Innovation Highway.
: Customer reviews: Israel and China: From Silk ~ An enjoyable read that takes you on a journey through the rich history of Chinese-Israeli relations to present day, illuminating a multitude of connections I never knew existed. Incredibly relevant and sharply written, Israel and China: From Silk Road to Innovation Highway is a must read.
Hong Kong â âIsrael and China: From Silk Road To ~ Hong Kong â âIsrael and China: From Silk Road To Innovation Highwayâ with Philippe Metoudi, CEO of Duotem Capital Limited. Philippe is an international banker with deep knowledge of China, and a career spanning from Geneva and New York to Hong Kong, where he has lived since 1989. He is a Managing Partner at AlfaSec Advisors, a management consulting and advisory firm, and founder of .
Israel and China: From Silk Road To Innovation Highway ~ Israel and China: From Silk Road To Innovation Highway with Philippe Metoudi, CEO of Duotem Capital Limited. Thursday January 14, 2016, 19:30 Bar 6, 6F Parekh House, 63 Wyndham Street [19:00] Arrivals and drinks [19:30] Event begins. Click here to RSVP. Please join us for the next session of Young China Watchers on Thursday, January 14, featuring Philippe Metoudi. Philippe is co-author of .
9 brilliant books you must read if you - Uncovering Israel ~ ISRAEL AND CHINA: FROM SILK ROAD TO INNOVATION HIGHWAY by Lionel Friedfeld and Philippe Metoudi. When this book was released in 2015, business between Israel and its continental neighbors in the Far East was beginning to boom and that trajectory has continued in a strongly upward direction. The authors see the Israel-China connection as a continuum from the ancient Silk Road to what today they dub the Innovation Highway. They pinpoint factors that give the two countries complementary .
China's Belt and Road initiative: What's in it for Israel ~ His recent book, Revitalising the Silk Road: Chinaâs Belt and Road Initiative, takes a long-term, historical perspective of the Silk Road trading routes. Griffiths shows how the Silk Road â by .
China Belt and Road Initiative: Silk Road / Morgan Stanley ~ âWeâre seeing improved economics in Belt and Road countries, alongside supportive government policies in China,â says Robin Xing, Morgan Stanleyâs Chief China Economist. âThese factors reinforce our view that Chinaâs investment in B&R countries will increase by 14% annually over the next two years, and the total investment amount could double to $1.2-1.3 trillion by 2027.â
Chinaâs âNew Silk Roadâ and the Middle East - The ~ Chinaâs âNew Silk Road,â with its aim to connect Asia and Europe with new and expanded trading links, will affect the economies of 64 countries, thereby providing a strong economic boost to .
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Silk Road / Facts, History, & Map / Britannica ~ Silk Road, ancient trade route, linking China with the West, that carried goods and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China. Silk went westward. Wools, gold, and silver went east. China also received Nestorian Christianity and Buddhism (from India) via the route. Read more about the Silk Road here.
Silk Road China: Route, History, Map, Photos, Tour Tips ~ The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean. Because China silk comprised a large proportion of the trade along this ancient road, in 1877, it was named the 'Silk Road' by Ferdinand von Richthofen, an eminent German geographer. It is now included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO. 33 historical sites are along the road in total and .
Silk Road - Wikipedia ~ The Silk Road was a network of trade routes which connected the East and West, and was central to the economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions between these regions from the 2nd century BCE to the 18th century. The Silk Road primarily refers to the land routes connecting East Asia and Southeast Asia with South Asia, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa and Southern Europe.
Karakoram Highway - Wikipedia ~ The highway, connecting the GilgitâBaltistan region to the ancient Silk Road, runs approximately 1,300 km (810 mi) from Kashgar, a city in the Xinjiang region of China, to Abbottabad, of Pakistan.An extension of the highway southwest from Abbottabad, in the form of the N-35 highway, meets the Grand Trunk Road, N-5, at Hasan Abdal, Pakistan.
Yael Rubinstein - Wikipedia ~ Yael Rubinstein is an Israeli diplomat who began her diplomatic career in 2003. Rubinstein was Israel's Ambassador to Singapore from 2013â2017, after having previously served as Ambassador to Thailand and Ambassador to Cambodia.,
China Going Global - China Policy ~ Chinaâs claims to now be the âchampion of free tradeâ. Going Global cartoon 2012. âIPO responseâ fighters head towards a distant city, taking off from aircraft carrier âChinese firmsâ 2 going global 1.0 The first years of Going Global coincided with Chinaâs 2001 admission to the WTO. It hit high gear under the HuâWen leadership (2002â12). The global financial crisis (2008 .
Belt and Road Initiative - Wikipedia ~ "Belt" is short for "Silk Road Economic Belt", referring to the proposed overland routes for road and rail transportation through the landlocked Central Asia along the famed historical trade routes of the Western Regions; whereas "road" is short for "21st Century Maritime Silk Road", referring to the Indo-Pacific sea routes through Southeast Asia to South Asia, Middle East and Africa.
Geographical Setting of the Silk Roads / Asia Society ~ Trade along the Silk Road waxed or waned according to conditions in China, Byzantium, Persia, and other regions and countries along the way. There were always competing or alternative routes, by land and sea, to absorb long distance Eurasian trade when conditions along the Silk Road were unfavorable. For this reason, the geographical context of the Silk Roadmust be thought of in the broadest .
Understanding Chinaâs Belt and Road Initiative ~ Maritime Silk Road, collectively referred to as One Belt, One Road (OBOR) but which has also come to be known as the Belt and Road Initiative. Xiâs vision is an ambitious program of infrastructure building to connect Chinaâs less-developed border regions with neighbouring countries. OBOR is arguably one of the largest development plans in modern history. On land, Beijing aims to connect .
Waze - GPS, Maps, Traffic Alerts & Live Navigation â Apps ~ Always know whatâs happening on the road with Waze. Even if you know the way, Waze tells you about traffic, construction, police, crashes, and more in real-time. If traffic is bad on your route, Waze will change it to save you time. Why Waze? See whatâs happening - Alerts about traffic, police, hazards and more on your drive Get there faster - Instant routing changes to avoid traffic and .
List of Asian Jews - Wikipedia ~ Some Jews migrated to India, establishing the Bene Israel, the Baghdadi Jews and the Cochin Jews of India (Jews in India); and the former Jewish community in Kaifeng, China. Here is a partial list of some prominent Asian Jews, arranged by country.
Thalia Online Shop / Bßcher, eBooks, Spielzeug, uvm. kaufen ~ Buch-Bestseller. Der Heimweg . Der Heimweg (111) 22,99 ⏠Es ist Freitagnacht. Jules Tannberg sitzt am Heimwegtelefon. Ein ehrenamtlicher Telefonservice fßr Frauen, die zu später Stunde auf ihrem Rßckweg durch die Nacht Angst bekommen und sich einen telefonischen Begleiter wßnschen, dessen beruhigende Stimme sie sicher nach Hause fßhrt - oder im Notfall Hilfe ruft. Noch nie gab es einen .
One Belt, One Road â Wikipedia ~ Unter der Bezeichnung One Belt, One Road (OBOR, chinesisch ä¸ĺ¸śä¸čˇŻ / ä¸ĺ¸Śä¸čˇŻ, Pinyin YÄŤdĂ i YÄŤlĂš â âEin GĂźrtel, eine StraĂeâ) beziehungsweise Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) werden seit 2013 Projekte gebĂźndelt, die Interessen und Zielen der Volksrepublik China unter Staatspräsident Xi Jinping zum Auf- und Ausbau interkontinentaler Handels- und Infrastruktur-Netze zwischen .
Google: Chinese Hackers Are Posing as McAfee Antivirus to ~ Googleâs security team has spotted the suspected Chinese hacking group APT 31 emailing links designed to ultimately download malware to spy on victims' computers.
Handelsweg â Wikipedia ~ Ein Handelsweg (auch âHandelsrouteâ) ist ein Transportweg fĂźr Handelswaren.Handelsrouten sind Bestandteile der Wirtschaftsgeografie, bestehen teils seit Menschengedenken, so etwa wurden sie schon zur Bronzezeit und besonders seit der Antike bedeutsam nicht nur fĂźr den regionalen Handel (-> "AltstraĂen").Im Mittelalter (11. bis 12. . Jahrhundert) existierte z. B. in der nĂśrdlichen .