Beschreibung Business Planning for Editorial Freelancers: A Guide for New Starters. Are you thinking about starting a new editing or proofreading business? Written for those with no prior publishing or editorial experience, this practical guide takes new editorial freelancers, step by step, through the basics of planning their career. Chapters focus on why a business plan is necessary, the different aspects of editorial freelancing, training, client focus, getting experience, financial assessment, promotion, networking, tools for the job, and real-world case studies featuring new starters. Additional material includes tips from experienced practitioners that illustrate the tasks and learning goals discussed, as well as useful tools and resources. Published in association with the Publishing Training Centre.'This is exactly the book that would-be editorial freelancers need to read before setting up their businesses.' (Katharine O'Moore-Klopf, ELS; KOK Edit)'If you’re thinking of setting out on the journey to becoming a freelance editorial professional, make sure this is the first book you read.' (Hazel Harris, Wordstitch) 'Essential reading for anyone thinking of setting themselves up as a freelance editor.' (Jen Hamilton-Emery, Salt Publishing)'Helpful, hopeful, yet realistic about the challenges ahead, this book will leave its readers better informed, and therefore better prepared, for their entry into this highly competitive field.' (Madhubanti Bhattacharyya, Edward Elgar Publishing)
Business Planning for Editorial Freelancers: A Guide for ~ A Guide for New Starters. Get your editing or proofreading business up and running Written for those with no prior publishing or editorial experience, this practical guide takes new proofreaders and editors, step by step, through the basics of planning their career. Chapter outline: why a business plan is necessary; the different aspects of editorial freelancing; training; client focus .
Business Planning for Editorial Freelancers: A Guide for ~ Business Planning for Editorial Freelancers: A Guide for New Starters is written by Louise Harnby, a highly recommended editor/proofreader with decades of experience in editing, freelance, and customer relations. I have had the pleasure of working with Louise prior to the publication of my own book, and I continue to appreciate her level of knowledge, attention to detail, and professionalism .
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