Beschreibung Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights from the Growth Trajectories of Successful and Unsuccessful Companies. Accelerate your company's growth in a disciplined fashion. This book provides leaders of large and small companies a proven comprehensive framework to think systematically about growth options and to yield practical strategies that produce faster growth.Drawing insights from case studies of successful and unsuccessful companies, strategy teacher and venture capitalist Peter Cohan models his systematic approach to brainstorming, evaluating, and implementing growth strategies across five dimensions: Customers, Geography, Products, Capabilities, Culture. He examines each of these five growth dimensions in turn, selecting and organizing his cases to compare the growth strategies deployed successfully and unsuccessfully by large and small companies along the given dimension. In each of his five dimensional chapters, the author derives from his case analyses the key principles and processes for creating and achieving faster growth.Professor Cohan draws on a network of hundreds of founders, CEOs, and investors developed through his decades of consulting, authorship of 11 books, and over five years as a Forbes columnist. He shows through many compelling stories how leaders craft effective growth strategies.Business leaders will learn the following lessons from this book:Achieving rapid but sustainable growth is a business leader’s most important responsibility – and leaders must approach this challenge with a mixture of vision, intellectual humility, and a willingness to experiment and learn from failure.The growth challenges facing companies that are currently growing quickly differ from the ones that stagnating or shrinking companies must overcome.Companies can achieve growth along one or more of the dimensions simultaneously – and they often expand geographically to customers in the same segments.Useful insights can emerge from comparing case studies of successful and unsuccessful companies pursuing similar growth strategies.Companies should select a growth strategy based on three factors: the attractiveness of the growth opportunity, the company’s capabilities to provide superior value to customers in the selected market, and the expected return on investment in the growth vector.Companies should select a growth strategy that best fits their capabilities and culture and they must enhance both to adapt to new growth opportunities.Who This Book Is ForThe people in companies who are responsible for growth: chief executive officers, chief marketing officers, chief product officers, heads of business development, product managers, sales people, and human resources managers
Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights from the Growth ~ Drawing insights from case studies of successful and unsuccessful companies, strategy teacher and venture capitalist Peter Cohan models his systematic approach to brainstorming, evaluating, and implementing growth strategies across five dimensions: Customers, Geography, Products, Capabilities, Culture. He examines each of these five growth dimensions in turn, selecting and organizing his cases .
Disciplined Growth Strategies Insights From The Growth ~ disciplined growth strategies insights from the growth trajectories of successful and unsuccessful companies Spiritualit Efektifitas Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Imd .
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Disciplined Growth Strategies Insights From The Growth ~ Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights From The Growth Trajectories Of Successful And Unsuccessful Companies by Peter S. Cohan / 2017 / English / PDF. Read Online 2.1 MB Download. Accelerate your company's growth in a disciplined fashion. This book provides leaders of large and small companies a proven comprehensive framework to think .
Disciplined Growth Strategies Insights From The Growth ~ Strategy Lecturer Peter Cohan has authored Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights from the Growth Trajectories of Successful and Unsuccessful Companies. The book provides leaders of large and small companies a proven comprehensive framework to think systematically about growth options and to yie
Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights From The Growth ~ Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights From The Growth Trajectories Of Successful And Unsuccessful Companies Download Accelerate your company's growth in a disciplined fashion. This book provides leaders of large and small companies a proven comprehensive framework to think.
Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights From The Growth ~ This book provides leaders of large and small companies a proven comprehensive framework to think systematically about growth options and to yield practical strategies that produce faster growth. Drawing insights from case studies of successful and unsuccessful companies, strategy teacher and venture capitalist Peter Cohan models his systematic approach to brainstorming, evaluating, and implementing growth strategies across five dimensions: Customers, Geography, Products, Capabilities .
Disciplined Growth Strategies - Insights from the Growth ~ Drawing insights from case studies of successful and unsuccessful companies, strategy teacher and venture capitalist Peter Cohan models his systematic approach to brainstorming, evaluating, and implementing growth strategies across five dimensions: Customers, Geography, Products, Capabilities, Culture. He examines each of these five growth dimensions in turn, selecting and organizing his cases .
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: Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights from ~ Drawing insights from case studies of successful and unsuccessful companies, strategy teacher and venture capitalist Peter Cohan models his systematic approach to brainstorming, evaluating, and implementing growth strategies across five dimensions: Customers, Geography, Products, Capabilities, Culture. He examines each of these five growth dimensions in turn, selecting and organizing his cases .
Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights from the Growth ~ Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights from the Growth Trajectories of Successful and Unsuccessful Companies (English Edition) eBook: Peter S. Cohan: : Kindle-Shop
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Disciplined Growth Strategies: Insights from the Growth ~ This book provides leaders of large and small companies a proven comprehensive framework to think systematically about growth options and to yield practical strategies that produce faster growth. Drawing insights from case studies of successful and unsuccessful companies, strategy teacher and venture capitalist Peter Cohan models his systematic approach to brainstorming, evaluating, and implementing growth strategies across five dimensions: Customers, Geography, Products, Capabilities .
Disciplined growth strategies : insights from the growth ~ Get this from a library! Disciplined growth strategies : insights from the growth trajectories of successful and unsuccessful companies. [Peter S Cohan] -- Accelerate your company's growth in a disciplined fashion. This book provides leaders of large and small companies a proven comprehensive framework to think systematically about growth options and to .
Disciplined Growth Strategies / SpringerLink ~ This book provides leaders of large and small companies a proven comprehensive framework to think systematically about growth options and to yield practical strategies that produce faster growth. Drawing insights from case studies of successful and unsuccessful companies, strategy teacher and venture capitalist Peter Cohan models his systematic approach to brainstorming, evaluating, and implementing growth strategies across five dimensions: Customers, Geography, Products, Capabilities .
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Every Business Is a Growth Business: How Your Company Can ~ A company grows because growth is in the corporate mindset, created by the company's leaders. The mindset of growth starts at the top, but it must reach all the way to the bottom. Sustainable growth is profitable and capital-efficient. "Broadening your pond," changing your company's genetic code, developing a growth strategy from the outside in, and other unique ideas. Every Business Is a .