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    The Graduate Handbook: You Dont Know What You Dont Know

    Beschreibung The Graduate Handbook: You Dont Know What You Dont Know. "Russell J. Bunio thought back to what he had learned from successful supervisors and colleagues when his college bound nephew peppered him with questions about careers, college majors, and being successful He distilled those lessons into fifty best practices to help his nephew—and anyone else—get on the fast track to success upon entering the workforce. Lessons include: • Seek out a mentor so you'll be better equipped to please your primary customer—your boss. • Concentrate on doing it right the first time, because you may not get a second chance. • If you can't find some fun in your job, maybe you should look for someplace else to work. • Show and prove that you are reliable, and you will generate trust. • Focus on making positive contributions and avoid gossip and rumors. • Keep a balance and make time for eating, sleeping, and exercising-daily. Whether you're a relative trying to help a loved one succeed, an organization welcoming a new 'worker', or a graduate wanting that 'jump start' for success, the Graduate Handbook will help you reach your goals."

    Buch The Graduate Handbook: You Dont Know What You Dont Know PDF ePub

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