Beschreibung Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. "This book is a generous work of genius. The Difference Map is now an essential component for anyone who is serious about doing work that matters, and Bernadette Jiwa is the bright new star to lead us there."—SETH GODINMARKETING IS NOT A DEPARTMENT—IT'S THE STORY OF HOW YOU CREATE DIFFERENCE FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS.We spent $500 billion globally on advertising in 2013. Every year we're spending more money, to interrupt more people, more often, with messages they don't care about and don't pay attention to. We've come to believe that the way to succeed is to have an advantage—by being different or better, more visible, or just plain louder.What if, instead of finding ways to be one step ahead of your competition, you could build and market your business to give people a reason to choose you? What if you could completely reinvent a category or experience? What if you could stop trying to beat the competition, and become the competition? 'Difference' lifts the lid on how brands like Airbnb, Uber and Apple have succeeded by creating difference and gives you a new one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. It helps you to recognise opportunities that create value, to develop products and services that people want, and to matter to your customers.ADVANCE PRAISE FOR 'DIFFERENCE'An inspiring read and a truly powerful tool. Bernadette is a rare find - she doesn't just know what she's talking about, she's not afraid to stand for why it matters. What better way to describe the challenge we all face in trying to make real connections in today's world?"—JONATHAN RAYMONDEMYTH, CHIEF BRAND OFFICER"Have you wondered about that 'certain something' that makes an extraordinary business? Bernadette's stylish little book is that 'certain something' explained."—MARK SCHAEFERAUTHOR OF RETURN ON INFLUENCEBernadette is the Banksy of the marketing world.—MERRYN PADGETTFOUNDER EARTH & SEA CREATIVE
Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your ~ 'Difference' lifts the lid on how brands like Airbnb, Uber and Apple have succeeded by creating difference and gives you a new one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. It helps you to recognise opportunities that create value, to develop products and services that people want, and to matter to your customers.
Difference: The One-Page Method for Reimagining Your ~ Difference lifts the lid on how brands like Airbnb, Uber and Apple have succeeded by creating difference and gives you a new one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. It helps you to recognize opportunities that create value, to develop products and services that people want, and to matter to your customers.
Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your ~ Difference lifts the lid on how brands like Airbnb, Uber and Apple have succeeded by creating difference and gives you a new one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. It helps you to recognise opportunities that create value, to develop products and services that people want, and to matter to your customers.
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Difference The One Page Method For Reimagining Your ~ Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your . The Difference Map is your new one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. The Difference Map works best if it’s completed in the following order: 1. Principles 2. Purpose 3. People 4. Personal 5. Perception 6. Product. Ask and answer as many questions as
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Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your ~ Difference lifts the lid on how brands like Airbnb, Uber and Apple have succeeded by creating difference and gives you a new one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. It helps you to recognise opportunities that create value, to develop products and services that people want, and to matter to your customers.
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Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your ~ Difference lifts the lid on how brands like Airbnb, Uber and Apple have succeeded by creating difference and gives you a new one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. It helps you to recognise opportunities that create value, to develop products and services that people want, and to matter to your customers.
The Difference Map - Difference - The One-Page Method For ~ The Difference Map is your new one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing. The Difference Map works best if it’s completed in the following order: 1. Principles 2. Purpose 3. People 4. Personal 5. Perception 6. Product. Ask and answer as many questions as you can for each of the six sections. You’ll find more information about how to do this in the book .
Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your ~ Difference: The one-page method for reimagining your business and reinventing your marketing: : Jiwa, Bernadette: Libros en idiomas extranjeros
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