Beschreibung Worth It: Your Life, Your Money, Your Terms.
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“your life, your Money” - PBS ~ “Your Life, Your Money” and Young Money teams have collaborated to produce this very special edition of Young Money magazine. We hope that you find it valuable and that, at the very least, it sparks dialogue about the basics of financial education. “Your Life, Your Money” is a PBS television outreach venture aimed at young adults. Actor Donald Faison hosts the program which features a .
Your Money or Your Life Book / Your Money or Your Life ~ For more than 25 years, YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence has been the go-to book to take back your life by fundamentally changing your relationship with money. With over a million copies sold, this 9-step program is proven to help people live more deliberately and meaningfully.
events.ajc ~ BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:proid X-WR-CALNAME:Meet the Author -- Amanda Steinberg -- Worth It: Your Life, Your Money, Your Terms at The Bosch Experience Center at Serenbe, 10640 Serenbe Lane, Palmetto, GA X-WR-CALDESC:Meet the Author -- Amanda Steinberg -- Worth It: Your Life, Your Money, Your Terms at The Bosch Experience Center at Serenbe, 10640 Serenbe Lane, Palmetto, GA X-WR .
Your Money or Your Life / Achieve Financial Independence ~ Your Money or Your Life – and everything you find here – is rooted in transforming your relationship with money, not just changing your money habits. The goal is to find and have “enough” (and then some) rather than always seeking “more”. This work requires rigor, honesty and a radical willingness to change. It equally requires curiosity and compassion, offering “no shame no .
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