Beschreibung The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-Offs to Transformation. Companies are increasingly facing intense pressures to address stakeholder demands from every direction: consumers want socially responsible products; employees want meaningful work; investors now screen on environmental, social, and governance criteria; "clicktivists" create social media storms over company missteps. CEOs now realize that their companies must be social as well as commercial actors, but stakeholder pressures often create trade-offs with demands to deliver financial performance to shareholders. How can companies respond while avoiding simple "greenwashing" or "pinkwashing"? This book lays out a roadmap for organizational leaders who have hit the limits of the supposed win-win of shared value to explore how companies can cope with real trade-offs, innovating around them or even thriving within them. Suggesting that the shared-value mindset may actually get in the way of progress, bestselling author Sarah Kaplan shows in The 360° Corporation how trade-offs, rather than being confusing or problematic, can actually be the source of organizational resilience and transformation.
The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to ~ How can companies cope when the interests of the s.
The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to ~ The 360° Corporation outlines the critical criteria and a process of inquiry needed to make better business decisions, especially in today's ever-changing stakeholder environment." —Dave Stangis, Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Corporate Responsibility, Campbell Soup Company, Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Senior Fellow in Social Innovation at Babson College
The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to ~ The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to Transformation - Kindle edition by Kaplan, Sarah. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to Transformation.
The 360° Corporation by Kaplan, Sarah (ebook) ~ The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to Transformation by Sarah Kaplan. <p>Companies are increasingly facing intense pressures to address stakeholder demands from every direction: consumers want socially responsible products; employees want meaningful work; investors now screen on environmental, social, and governance criteria; "clicktivists" create social media storms over .
The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to ~ The 360° Corporation outlines the critical criteria and a process of inquiry needed to make better business decisions, especially in today's ever-changing stakeholder environment." -- Dave Stangis, Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Corporate Responsibility, Campbell Soup Company, Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Senior Fellow in Social Innovation at Babson College
The 360° Corporation: : Sarah Kaplan ~ The 360° Corporation outlines the critical criteria and a process of inquiry needed to make better business decisions, especially in today's ever-changing stakeholder environment."--Dave Stangis, Chief Sustainability Officer and Vice President of Corporate Responsibility, Campbell Soup Company "Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Senior Fellow in Social Innovation at Babson College "
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Sarah Kaplan - Rotman School of Management ~ Her latest book, The 360° Corporation: From Stakeholder Trade-offs to Transformation was published in September 2019. Her research has covered how organizations participate in and respond to the emergence of new fields and technologies in biotechnology, fiber optics, financial services, nanotechnology and most recently, the field emerging at the nexus of gender and finance. Her current work focuses on applying an innovation lens to understanding the challenges for achieving gender equality.
Beyond the Business Case for Social Responsibility ~ It has become increasingly common for advocates for various social issues—the environment, diversity and inclusion, supply chain workers, and others—to make the business case for pursuing these goals. Even “shared value” approaches insist that the win-win formula always meets the needs of the bottom line first. Recently, however, scholars have called into question the effectiveness of .
Administrative Science Quarterly / Cornell Johnson ~ ASQ has been at the cutting edge of organizational studies since the field began. This top-tier journal regularly publishes the best theoretical and empirical papers based on dissertations and on the evolving and new work of more established scholars, as well as interdisciplinary work in organizational theory, and informative book reviews.
Taking Trade-offs Seriously: Examining the Contextually ~ Yet while studies have examined the former, the actual trade-offs that these organizations face—and how these might vary among enterprises and contexts—has been largely overlooked. Focusing on social enterprise, we address these gaps by (1) developing a framework that can be used to predict the compatibility of social outreach and financial sustainability for different types of enterprises .
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What is Stakeholder Analysis? / Definition and Overview ~ Conducting a stakeholder analysis can be strategically valuable when kicking off any type of complex company undertaking. The more stakeholders you can identify early on and the more you can tailor your communication to win approval and support from the various types of stakeholders, the more likely your project is to succeed. But if you consider how much of an organization is either involved .
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Trade-off – Wikipedia ~ Trade-off (englisch trade off „abwägen“) bzw.Austauschbeziehung beschreibt im Allgemeinen eine gegenläufige Abhängigkeit: Wird das eine besser, wird zugleich das andere schlechter (siehe auch umgekehrte Proportionalität).. Darüber hinaus beschreibt der Ausdruck auch Bemühungen, gut abzuwägen.Übersetzt wird Trade-off in diesem Kontext mit Kosten-Nutzen-Abwägung, Kompromiss und .
Anspruchsgruppen • Definition / Gabler Wirtschaftslexikon ~ Stakeholders; Anspruchsgruppen sind alle internen und externen Personengruppen, die von den unternehmerischen Tätigkeiten gegenwärtig oder in Zukunft direkt oder indirekt betroffen sind. Gemäß Stakeholder-Ansatz wird ihnen - zusätzlich zu den Eigentümern (Shareholders) - das Recht zugesprochen, ihre Interessen gegenüber der Unternehmung geltend zu machen.
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