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    China's Dream: The Culture of Chinese Communism and the Secret Sources of its Power

    Beschreibung China's Dream: The Culture of Chinese Communism and the Secret Sources of its Power. The Communist Party of China (CPC) is one of the great political forces of modern times. In charge of the destiny of a fifth of humanity, it survives despite the collapse of similar systems elsewhere. Few, however, understand the sources of this resilience, or, for that matter, what the Party itself stands for. China's Dream is the first book to explore the Communist Party as a cultural, rather than a political, entity. It looks at the narratives the Party has created to recount its own history, with the moral story about national rejuvenation and renaissance that these encode. It does not shy away from the thorny issue of how a Party under Mao Zedong, one associated with self-sacrifice, collectivist effort, and anti-individualism, came to pragmatically embrace market capitalism and a new ethics. The tensions to which this gives rise have resulted in a crisis of values, which is now being addressed - with very mixed results - by the CPC. Drawing on his extensive knowledge of contemporary China, Kerry Brown takes us on a unique and fascinating journey through the least understood aspect of China today - not the great economic revolution in the material world, but the deep cultural revolution already underway in Chinese people's daily lives.

    Buch China's Dream: The Culture of Chinese Communism and the Secret Sources of its Power PDF ePub

    The Chinese Communist Party’s Ideology and Global ~ As China grew richer and stronger, we believed, the Chinese Communist Party would liberalize to meet the rising democratic aspirations of its people. This was a bold, quintessentially American .

    Communism: In China - Stanford University Computer Science ~ Communism in China. Formation The Communist Party of China was formed in 1921. It was under Mao Zedong's control in 1927. Eventually, Mao led a revolution, and the communist party obtained control in 1947. They followed the example of the soviet model of development through heavy industry with surpluses extracted from peasants. Consumer goods were left to secondary importance. In the sino .

    China’s Grand Plan To Take Over The World ~ Grand dreams of world domination are part and parcel of communist ideologies, going all the way back to Karl Marx. For the Chinese, this blends with the country’s own long history.

    Opinion / How Did Women Fare in China’s Communist ~ For all its flaws, the Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big. When it came to advice for my mother, my grandmother applauded her daughter’s decision to go to graduate school and .

    Xi Jinping heralds 'new era' of Chinese power at Communist ~ Xi Jinping has heralded the dawn of a “new era” of Chinese politics and power at the start of a historic Communist party congress celebrating the end of his first term in office.. Speaking in .

    What Was The Cultural Revolution? - HISTORY ~ The Cultural Revolution was a sociopolitical movement in China that began in 1966 with Mao Zedong, the leader of the Chinese Communist Party, denouncing the old capitalistic and traditional ways .

    A Brief Overview of China’s Cultural Revolution / Britannica ~ The revolution left many people dead (estimates range from 500,000 to 2,000,000), displaced millions of people, and completely disrupted the country’s economy. Although Mao had intended for his revolution to strengthen communism, it had, ironically, the opposite effect, instead leading to China’s embrace of capitalism.

    Ideology of the Chinese Communist Party - Wikipedia ~ Ensuring Chinese Communist Party leadership over all forms of work in China. The Chinese Communist Party should take a people-centric approach for the public interest. The continuation of "comprehensive deepening of reforms". Adopting new development ideas based on science and for "innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development".

    Chinese Propaganda Posters / Chinese Posters ~ Over 1.700 Chinese propaganda posters are shown on this website, with a lot of information about their history, background and design. You can browse a Gallery of 200 highlights, look at over 250 theme presentations, or search and browse by poster or by artist.

    Chinese Culture: Customs & Traditions of China / Live Science ~ Chinese culture reflects the customs and traditions of one of the largest countries in the world, with 1.34 billion people.

    Cultural Revolution - Definition, Effects & Mao Zedong ~ In 1966, China’s Communist leader Mao Zedong launched what became known as the Cultural Revolution in order to reassert his authority over the Chinese government. The Cultural Revolution and its .

    How the Cultural Revolution changed China forever - CNN ~ It's been 50 years since the start of China's Cultural Revolution, which consumed China in bloodshed, torture and chaos for almost a decade and change the country forever.

    Culture of the People's Republic of China - Wikipedia ~ The culture of the People's Republic of China is a rich and varied blend of traditional Chinese culture with communist and other international modern and post-modern influences. During the Cultural Revolution, an enormous number of cultural treasures of inestimable value were seriously damaged or destroyed and the practice of many arts and crafts was prohibited.

    China's Economic Success Proves the Power of Capitalism ~ Many fail to understand the reasons for China's economic success. China's economic miracle did not happen because of the state, but in spite of the state.

    What Xi Jinping Wants - The Atlantic ~ If China reaches the first goal— which it is on course to do—the IMF estimates that its economy will be 40 percent larger than that of the U.S. (measured in terms of purchasing power parity .

    China: Power and Prosperity -- Watch the full documentary ~ As China has risen in prosperity, influence and military strength, what are the social, economic and political forces at play? Come along with PBS NewsHour a.

    The Rise and Future of China as an Economic Power ~ The same China that’s famous for its human rights violations is the China that lifted more than 800 million people out of poverty as per capita GDP rose from $89 in 1960 to roughly $10,000 today .

    History of China / Britannica ~ Other articles where History of China is discussed: China: History: The practice of archaeology in China has been rooted in modern Chinese history. The intellectual and political reformers of the 1920s challenged the historicity of the legendary inventors of Chinese culture, such as Shennong, the Divine Farmer, and Huangdi,

    Why China Can’t Innovate - Harvard Business Review ~ In its 2006 “Medium- to Long-Term Plan for the Development of Science and Technology” (MLP), the Chinese government declared its intention to transform China into “an innovative society .

    When Did China Become Communist? - History ~ In the following decades, two great communist powers, the PRC and the Soviet Union, usually but not always cooperated in advancing Marxism-Leninism while competing for the leadership of the communist world. In both countries, Marxist-Leninist ideology was an essential element that gave the Communist Party absolute power and ensured its control of domestic and foreign policy. Ideology bred many .

    The American Dream Is Alive. In China. - The New York Times ~ China Rules How China became a superpower Imagine you have to make a bet. There are two 18-year-olds, one in China, the other in the United States, both poor and short on prospects.

    China 70th Anniversary: Xi says no force can stop the ~ BEIJING — Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday in a speech commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party's rule that no force could sway China's development.

    The Chinese Revolution of 1949 - United States Department ~ The Chinese Communist Party, founded in 1921 in Shanghai, originally existed as a study group working within the confines of the First United Front with the Nationalist Party. Chinese Communists joined with the Nationalist Army in the Northern Expedition of 1926-27 to rid the nation of the warlords that prevented the formation of a strong central government. This collaboration lasted until the .

    People's Republic of China Facts and History ~ The final Chinese dynasty, the Qing, ruled from 1644 to 1911, when the Last Emperor was overthrown. Power struggles between warlords such as Sun Yat-Sen touched off the Chinese Civil War. Although the war was interrupted for a decade by the Japanese invasion and World War II, it picked up again once Japan was defeated. Mao Zedong and the Communist Peoples Liberation Army won the Chinese Civil .

    [PDF] the human cost of communism in china eBook ~ Download The Human Cost Of Communism In China books, "Prepared at the request of the late Senator Thomas J. Dodd, Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate."--T.p.