Beschreibung Zero to Hero: How I went from being a losing trader to a consistently profitable one. I don’t have anything extraordinary. I am the typical guy that no one pays attention to because he’s so discreet. I wasn’t blessed with an amazing physique, nor am I endowed with an above average intelligence. I am just a regular guy, admittedly with a painful past, but a regular guy nonetheless. I don’t possess any special talents; yet, I am able to return consistent profits, year after year, in an endeavor where most people fail. My name is Yvan Byeajee, I am a trader. Not the kind you see in the movies – those who partake in lavish lifestyles; snort lines of coke off of some hooker’s behind; or threaten the very health of our economy – no, I am more modest than that. And I have my reasons. Durable success in the markets is the only logical outcome of the kind of consistency you cultivate in your day-to-day life. Furthermore, it is a function of your ability to tame that voice in your head that is constantly nagging at you and forcing you to make poor decisions, whether in the markets or in your personal life. After having lost everything in the markets because of my inability to calm that inner voice, I knew I had to make some changes. Eventually, I stumbled upon an effective way to calm the zoo that is my mind, something I always assumed to be either impossible or useless. For the price of a cocktail, in this short book, you will learn the secret to my success in the markets! I will show you the one exercise that I think all traders should be doing on a daily basis. This exercise has not only changed my trading, but it has also changed my life – and I am confident it can change yours as well!
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