Beschreibung Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial Clarity. If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you probably hate accounting. It’s a source of constant frustration. The information your bookkeepers and accountants bring isn’t at all understandable or helpful. And you know you’re not getting the information you need to run your business. You’re stressed, fed up, and even embarrassed about the state of your books. But you don’t know how to make things better. One thing is certain: you can’t afford to spend time learning accounting—nor would you want to. Thankfully, you don’t have to be an accountant to understand your financials. In Entreprenumbers, Spencer Sheinin lays out the surprisingly simple path to financial clarity. You’ll turn these financial weaknesses into a power by learning how to effectively direct your accounting team. How? By getting the information you need, when you need it, and most importantly, in an intuitive, simple-to-use format. With this book, you’ll find that understanding your numbers is easier than you ever could’ve imagined. And don’t worry—this isn’t an accounting lesson!
Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial ~ Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial Clarity / Sheinin, Spencer / ISBN: 9781544504186 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial ~ Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial Clarity (English Edition) eBook: Sheinin, Spencer: : Kindle-Shop
Entreprenumbers - The Surprisingly Simple Path to ~ In Entreprenumbers, Spencer Sheinin lays out the surprisingly simple path to financial clarity. You'll turn these financial weaknesses into a power by learning how to effectively direct your accounting team. How? By getting the information you need, when you need it, and most importantly, in an intuitive, simple-to-use format. With this book, you'll find that understanding your numbers is .
Entreprenumbers: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild als Download ~ eBook Shop: Entreprenumbers von Spencer Sheinin als Download. Jetzt eBook sicher bei Weltbild runterladen & bequem mit Ihrem Tablet oder eBook Reader lesen.
Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial ~ In Entreprenumbers, Spencer Sheinin lays out the surprisingly simple path to financial clarity. You’ll turn these financial weaknesses into a power by learning how to effectively direct your accounting team. How? By getting the information you need, when you need it, and most importantly, in an intuitive, simple-to-use format. With this book, you’ll find that understanding your numbers is easier than you ever could’ve imagined. And don’t worry—this isn’t an accounting lesson!
Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial ~ In Entreprenumbers, Spencer Sheinin lays out the surprisingly simple path to financial clarity. You’ll turn these financial weaknesses into a power by learning how to effectively direct your accounting team. How? By getting the information you need, when you need it, and most importantly, in an intuitive, simple-to-use format. With this book, you’ll find that understanding your numbers is easier than you ever could’ve imagined. And don’t worry—this isn’t an accounting .
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Translating Accounting ~ Spencer Sheninin’s latest book Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial Clarity, is not going to teach you about accounting or even how to read your financial statements. Instead, you will learn how to confidently direct your bookkeeper/accounting team to get you the right information, at the right time, and, most importantly, in a format that works for you (intuitive with .
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How to Survive and Thrive During a Financial Crisis ~ And I do want you to talk about your new book, because it not only sounds fantastic, it's a reasonably small investment and some really good financial information. So tell us a little bit about the book. Spencer Sheinin: Sure, thanks. It's called Entreprenumbers: The Surprisingly Simple Path to Financial Clarity. I am a CPA, but I'm an .
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