Beschreibung Sextech Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness. Sitting between Planned Parenthood and Pornhub, sexual wellness is the next blue ocean for tech entrepreneurs and investors — but nobody is talking about it. A market sector predicted to soon break the hundred-billion dollar mark can only fly under the radar for long. Today, with rising investment and innovation — and surging consumer interest — the sexual wellness is finally upon us. If you ask Andrea Barrica, it’s embarrassing it took this long. As an entrepreneur and former venture capital investor, Andrea is uniquely qualified to guide a new generation of business leaders ready to seize the opportunities in sexual wellness. Sextech Revolution is a firsthand account of how you can build a company and raise money in this space. Andrea shares how she’s tackled the financial and structural challenges sex tech startups face, and provides unparalleled insight into how investors and entrepreneurs can navigate and understand the nuances of the sexual wellness industry.
Sextech Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness ~ Sextech Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness / Barrica, Andrea / ISBN: 9781544504919 / Kostenloser Versand fĂŒr alle BĂŒcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Sextech Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness (English ~ Sextech Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness (English Edition) eBook: Barrica, Andrea: : Kindle-Shop
Sextech Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness Kindle ~ Sextech Revolution is a firsthand account of how you can build a company and raise money in this space. Andrea shares how sheâs tackled the financial and structural challenges sex tech startups face, and provides unparalleled insight into how investors and entrepreneurs can navigate and understand the nuances of the sexual wellness industry.
Sextech Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness / Andrea ~ Sextech Revolution is a firsthand account of how you can build a company and raise money in this space. Andrea shares how she's tackled the financial and structural challenges sex tech startups face, and provides unparalleled insight into how investors and entrepreneurs can navigate and understand the nuances of the sexual wellness industry.
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Sex tech is slowly making a comeback at CES. About time ~ Andrea Barrica, a former venture capitalist and author of Sex(Tech) Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness, has estimated that now sells 60,000 sexual wellness products that brought in .
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7 Sex Tech Products That Are Revolutionizing How We Do It ~ The market research firm Stratistics estimates the global sexual wellness market, including sex tech, will grow to $122.96 billion by 2026. Undoubtedly a lot of sextech is focused on sex toys in .
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Sex technology - Wikipedia ~ Sex technology, also called sex-tech, is technology and technology-driven ventures that are designed to enhance, innovate and disrupt human sexuality and/or the human sexual experience. The term was originally coined by Cindy Gallop from MLNP and is associated with an advancement of the Digital Revolution from 2010 and its impact on society and culture.
Sex Tech From Women-Led Startups Pops up at CES Gadget ~ Sex Tech From Women-Led Startups Pops up at CES Gadget Show Sex tech is making an appearance at the CES gadget show a year after organizers took fire for revoking an innovation award to a sex .
Sex tech from women-led startups pops up at CES gadget show ~ Those paved the way for sex tech to grow and get investors interested. âLarger institutions are starting to take note, all the way from VC firms to large Fortune 100 companies,â said Barrica, who recently published the book âSextech Revolution: The Future of Sexual Wellness.â Large institutions like CES had no choice but to look at sex .
What Entrepreneurs Need To Know About The Sexual Wellness ~ With the sector is widely predicted to be worth $122 billion by 2024, and a 13 percent CAGR, investors agree there are huge business opportunities to be found in sex tech and sexual wellness. But .
2020 Conference / Healthy Teen Network Conference ~ We invite you to join us Monday, November 16 as Andrea Barrica, sextech entrepreneur and founder of and the author of Sextech Revolution: the Future of Sexual Wellness, helps us step into the world of how technology will continue to shape how we experience sexuality and relationships, and how we can take advantage of the platform it provides to promote sexual wellness for all, but .
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Size of the global sex toy market 2019-2026 / Statista ~ Usage and ownership of sex toys is on the rise worldwide. The global sex toy market is expected to grow by about nine percent between 2019 to 2026, from approximately 28.64 billion U.S. dollars to .
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Katie Couric Admits To 'Embarrassing' Herself Over Trans ~ Katie Couric is earning raves for hosting and producing âGender Revolution,â a National Geographic documentary that examines the way gender identity shapes our lives and experiences. Couric, 60, got a much different reception in 2014 when she attempted to tackle similar issues in an interview with transgender stars Carmen Carrera and Laverne Cox .
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Donald Trump beschuldigt China: "Sie haben die Seuche ~ Die USA haben die bittere Marke von 200.000 Toten in der Corona-Pandemie ĂŒberschritten. PrĂ€sident Trumps Reaktion ist ein erneuter Angriff auf China.