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    Contemporary African Politics and Development: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1981-90

    Beschreibung Contemporary African Politics and Development: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1981-90. This research tool is based on a systematic, comprehensive analysis of books, monographs, journals and edited volumes dealing with African political affairs and socioeconomic development. The bibliography contains more than 16,000 citations (both English and French sources are included) covering material published from 1981 through 1990. Chapters in edited volumes are treated as individual citations. In addition to the standard bibliographic data, each citation is annotated with the relevant subject terms and keywords; and all citations for 1986 through 1990 also include an abstract summarising the material's theoretical and substantive focus. A distinctive feature of the bibliography, the extensive indexes assure easy access to the entries. These include a country/region index, an index of general subjects (agricultural technology, women's economic role, structural adjustment, ethnic politics) and a keyword index (OAU, Mobutu, Sese Seko, Addis Ababa, Lagos Plan of Action, Fulani people). The entries themselves are arranged alphabetically by author. This work was compiled by Vijitha Mahadevan working with the staff of UCLA's African Bibliography Project.

    Buch Contemporary African Politics and Development: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1981-90 PDF ePub

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