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    Quantitive Trading and Money Management: Revised Edition: A Guide to Risk Analysis and Trading Survival

    Beschreibung Quantitive Trading and Money Management: Revised Edition: A Guide to Risk Analysis and Trading Survival. "Quantitative Trading & Money Management" provides all the tools a trader needs to best utilize his trading capital. The book explains how to use mathematical techniques to calculate risk/reward possibilities, optimal trading size, profit objectives and stop loss points, In short, Gehm expertly covers every issue involved in converting a market forecast into a trade. This completely revised edition sheds light on a number of recent developments in the markets such as managed future and the growth of financial derivatives. Specific topics include: recognizing avoiding catastrophic losses; the importance of diversification; avoiding catastrophic losses; calculating revenue/cost ratios in trading; and developing a sound trading plan.

    Buch Quantitive Trading and Money Management: Revised Edition: A Guide to Risk Analysis and Trading Survival PDF ePub

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    Risk Management Techniques for Active Traders ~ Risk management helps cut down losses. It can also help protect a trader's account from losing all of his or her money. The risk occurs when the trader suffers a loss. If it can be managed it, the .

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