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    Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies

    Beschreibung Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies. The success of any international development agency depends on an understanding of the ways in which a community and individuals relate to ideas and resources. David Lewis and David Mosse have brought together a number of anthropologists with practical experience in development to show how ethnography can be an indispensable tool for understanding these complex and dynamic relationships. The world that this ethnography of development reveals does not divide neatly into the developers and the developed, perpetrators and victims, domination and resistance, or the incompatible rationalities of scientific and indigenous knowledge. It is a world in which interests and practices are always hybrids and in which rational policy representations frequently conceal the messiness of practice that precedes the ideas and technologies of development. The wealth of new ideas offered in this collection will be especially valuable to graduate students in anthropology and development studies, but also to undergraduates and those working in development organizations who wish to run more effective operations on every level.

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    Development brokers and translators: The ethnography of ~ Request PDF / Development brokers and translators: The ethnography of aid and agencies / The success of any international development agency depends on an understanding of the ways in which a .

    Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of ~ Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies David Lewis, David Mosse, Lecturer in Social Anthropology School of Oriental and African Studies David Mosse No preview available - 2006. Common terms and phrases. actors Africa agencies agenda Albany Rural Association alternative trade organizations anthropology approach authorities Bantustan beneficiaries Bierschenk .

    Development brokers and translators: the ethnography of ~ Request PDF / On Jan 1, 2006, David Lewis and others published Development brokers and translators: the ethnography of aid agencies / Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

    Development Brokers and Translators: the Ethnography of ~ (2007). Development Brokers and Translators: the Ethnography of Aid and Agencies. Development in Practice: Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 307-309.

    Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of ~ Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies [Lewis, David, Mosse, David] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies

    Development brokers and translators: the ethnography of ~ Development brokers and translators: the ethnography of aid agencies By David Lewis and D. Mosse Topics: GN Anthropology

    Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of ~ Compre o livro Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies na .br: confira as ofertas para livros em inglês e importados

    SOAS Research Online - EPrints ~ Mosse, David and Lewis, David, eds. (2006) Development Brokers and Translators. The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press.

    (PDF) Theoretical approaches to brokerage and translation ~ PDF / On Jan 1, 2006, David Mosse and others published Theoretical approaches to brokerage and translation in development / Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate

    Governance, Representation and International Aid: Third ~ The interviews included officials from the following aid agencies: Danish International Development Agency (danida), usaid, UK Department for International Development (dfid), the United Nations Development Program (undp), the Global Environmental Facility’s (gef) Small Grants Programme, Asia Foundation, ausaid and representatives of at least 20 other NGOs, many of them long-standing, active .

    Does Foreign Aid Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Niger ~ Rossi, B. 2006, "Aid Policies and Recipient Strategies in Niger: Why Donors and Recipients Should Not Be Compartmentalized Into "Separate Worlds of Knowledge"" in Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies, eds. D. Lewis & D. Mosse, Kumarian Press, Inc., Bloomfield, CT (USA), pp. 27.

    Time and the NGOther: Development and temporalities in an ~ This article looks at divergent and competing understandings of temporalities in Estero de Platano, a fishing village in the Esmeraldas province of Ecuador. Through a discussion of how time can str.

    Theoretical approaches to brokerage and translation in ~ BibTeX @INPROCEEDINGS{Mosse06theoreticalapproaches, author = {David Mosse and David Lewis}, title = {Theoretical approaches to brokerage and translation in development}, booktitle = {in: D. Lewis & D. Mosse (Eds) Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies (Kumarian}, year = {2006}, publisher = {Books}}

    Sweeping as a site of temporal brokerage: Linking town and ~ Bierschenk, T, Chaveau, J, Olivier De Sardan, J (2002) Local development brokers in Africa: The rise of a new social category. Working paper no. 13, Department of Anthropology and African Studies , Mainz, Germany : Johannes Gutenberg University .

    Review - The Personal and the Professional in Aid Work ~ The publications of Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies (2006) edited by Lewis and Mosse, Adventures in Aidland: the Anthropology of Professionals in International Development (2011) edited by Mosse and Inside the Everyday Lives of Development Workers: the Challenges and Futures of Aidland (2011) by Fechter and Hindman, as well as a number of journal .

    New forms of development: branding innovative ideas and ~ Bierschenk T, Chauveau J-P, Olivier de Sardan J-P. Local development brokers in Africa: the rise of a new social category. In: Working paper no. 13. Department of anthropology and African studies. Mainz, Germany: Johannes Gutenberg University; 2002. Google Scholar 19. Lewis D, Mosse D, editors. Development brokers and translators: the ethnography of aid agencies. Bloomfield, Connecticut .

    Developmentalist configuration - Wikipedia ~ The developmentalist configuration is an socio-anthropological term used in development studies to describe the nature of "development." The term was coined by Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan and is used by post-development theorists, postcolonialists, critical theorists and others. The term describes the paradigm of governments, NGOs, individuals and researchers who seek to progress the .

    David Lewis (academic) - Wikipedia ~ Development Brokers and Translators: The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Books. Lewis D. (2001). The Management of Non-Governmental Development Organisations London: Routledge ISBN 0-415-20759-2. 2nd Edition (2007). Lewis D. & D. Mosse. (eds.) (2005). The Aid Effect: Giving and Governing in International Development .

    The Anti-Politics Machine: "Development," Depoliticization ~ Starting with a devastating deconstruction of a 1975 World Bank report on Lesotho, this book presents a provocative analysis of international development aid as it was applied to one large-scale project in Lesotho's Thaba-Tseka district between 1975 and 1984. The book comes to two main conclusions.

    The Myth of Religious NGOs: Development Studies and the ~ Download preview PDF. Unable to display preview. Download preview PDF. REFERENCES. Ager, A. and J. Ager (2011) ‘Faith and the Discourse of Secular Humanitarianism’, Journal of Refugee Studies, 24(3), pp. 456–72. CrossRef Google Scholar. Almond, P. C. (1988) The British Discovery of Buddhism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). CrossRef Google Scholar. Appleby, R. S. (2000) The Ambiva

    Recasting the ‘New Actors in Development’ Research Agenda ~ The rising prominence of new state and non-state actors in development cooperation has stimulated extensive discussion over the last decade. This article reviews and critically reflects on the present and future directions of this body of scholarship. It questions the homogeneity of actor constellations, relationships and ideas as they are currently conceptualised.

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    Making Refugees Work? The Politics of Integrating Syrian ~ Development Brokers and Translators. The Ethnography of Aid and Agencies (Bloomfield: Kumarian Press). 3 See i.e., James Ferguson (1994) The Anti-Politics Machine: Development, Depoliticization and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press); Mark Hobart (ed) (1993) An Anthropological Critique of Development: The Growth of Ignorance (London: Routledge); and Tania .

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