Beschreibung The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders. Leadership is in crisis. In the rough seas of a borderless economy, the Internet, and outsourcing in turbulent markets, a seismic shift has changed the game. The days of the Great Man-whether a Churchill or Kennedy, even a Gates or Welch-are numbered. Virtually anyone can lead now. But how do you breed principled leaders for the twenty-first century? Is leadership a matter of DNA, culture, or coaching?The answer can be found in the 3,000-year-old tradition of Judaism. Jews are not called the People of the Book by accident. Torah, Talmud, and Kabbalah hold a powerful amalgam of life-and-death leadership stories and astonishingly practical lessons for twenty-first-century managers. In a unique synergy, Dr. Thomas Zweifel, Swiss Consulting Group CEO, Columbia professor, and author of leadership books like Communicate or Die and Culture Clash, teams up with Rabbi Aaron Raskin, Jewish leader, mensch, and author of Letters of Light, to blend the timeless wisdom of the Ten Commandments with a cutting-edge methodology based on twenty-five years of coaching leaders-a mix that provides winning tools for lasting success.
The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st ~ As the 2008 presidential election nears, various aspects of the book, heralded as "The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders," as well as its authors, acclaimed management consultant Dr. Thomas D. Zweifel and Rabbi Aaron L. Raskin of B'nai Avraham in Brooklyn Heights, grab my attention -- as will they yours.
The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st ~ Leadership is in crisis. In the rough seas of a borderless economy, the Internet, and outsourcing in turbulent markets, a seismic shift has changed the game. The days of the Great Man-whether a Churchill or Kennedy, even a Gates or Welch-are numbered. Virtually anyone can lead now. But how do you breed principled leaders for the twenty-first century?
The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st ~ "Based on the timeless Ten Commandments, The Rabbi and the CEO offers a timely model for leaders of the 21st Century." --Rabbi Simon Jacobson, author of Toward a Meaningful Life "The insights presented by Zweifel and Raskin have been very helpful to me in building a viable global business that operates ethically and from clear principles.
Download Book // The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten ~ [PDF] The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders Book Review A must buy book if you need to adding benefit. Better then never, though i am quite late in start reading this one. I am very happy to inform you that this is basically the very best book we have study during my own life and could be he .
The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st ~ The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders Thomas D. Zweifel, Author, Aaron L. Raskin, Author, Ali Velshi, Foreword by Select Books (NY) $16.95 (276p) ISBN 978-1-59079-150-9
The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st ~ The leadership lessons contained in “The Rabbi and the CEO” are timeless, powerful and practical. This uplifting book offers a powerhouse of sound advice, practical and yet easy to implement nuggets of wisdom anybody can benefit from both in life and business. As the authors wisely say, “you always have a choice. You’re in charge; nobody can tell you how to live your life.” And for .
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Thomas D. Zweifel – Wikipedia ~ Leadership: Methoden und Praxis Zweifel . (mit Aaron L. Raskin) The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders (Select Books), ISBN 1-59079-150-9, deutsch: Der Rabbi und der CEO: Was Führungskräfte von den Zehn Geboten lernen können (Linde Verlag, 2012) 2010: Leadership in 100 Days: A Systematic Self-Coaching Workbook (iHorizon eBook) Weblinks. Website; Normdaten .
The Rabbi and the CEO: The Ten Commandments for 21st ~ In a unique synergy, Dr. Thomas Zweifel, Swiss Consulting Group CEO, Columbia professor, and author of leadership books like Communicate or Die and Culture Clash, teams up with Rabbi Aaron Raskin, Jewish leader, mensch, and author of Letters of Light, to blend the timeless wisdom of the Ten Commandments with a cutting-edge methodology based on 25 years of coaching leaders - a mix that provides .
The Rabbi and the CEO eBook by Thomas D. Zweifel ~ Read "The Rabbi and the CEO The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders" by Thomas D. Zweifel available from Rakuten Kobo. During my years at CNN, I’ve spoken to and worked with countless business leaders. Interviewing them always made me wond.
: Customer reviews: The Rabbi and the CEO: The ~ There's never been a more important time in human history to revisit the Ten Commandments as Dr. Zweifel and Rabbi Raskin have done, in the context of 21st century leadership. Leadership today is neither a product of the past nor a future hope. Leadership is being claimed by anyone who dares to. Using these Ten Commandments of leadership empowers visionary leadership of anyone who lives as if .
The Rabbi and the CEO / Thomas Zweifel / eBook / All You ~ In a unique synergy, Dr. Thomas Zweifel, Swiss Consulting Group CEO, Columbia professor, and author of leadership books like Communicate or Die and Culture Clash, teams up with Rabbi Aaron Raskin, Jewish leader, mensch, and author of Letters of Light, to blend the timeless wisdom of the Ten Commandments with a cutting-edge methodology based on twenty-five years of coaching leaders-a mix that .
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Aaron Raskin - Wikipedia ~ He co-authored The Rabbi & the CEO in 2008 with Swiss corporate management consultant Thomas D. Zweifel (Select Books, publisher), giving advice to corporate professionals on how to use the tenets of the Jewish Torah in the secular environment of their respective businesses. This book is now available in German, as well.
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The Arrogance of Institutions (2): 10 Commandments for ~ Renowned leadership guru & co-author of The Rabbi & the CEO, Thomas Zweifel draws innovative answers and powerful tools from a combination of the ancient traditions of Judaism & cutting-edge methodology based on 25 years of coaching leaders. How are the 10 Commandments relevant for 21stC leaders? How do we institutionalize integrity? And if it clashes with the bottom line? How do we go from .
The Ten Commandments / My Jewish Learning ~ The division of the commandments themselves is not at all certain. There are 13 sentences in the accepted Jewish version of the Ten Commandments (17 in the Christian), but it is difficult to ascertain with certainty from the text itself what comprises the first commandment, the second, and so forth.
Suche: Ergebnisse / Rabbi Dr. Yehonatan Sraya / Books and ~ The Rabbi and the CEO - Modern Management meets Judaism The Ten Commandments for 21st Century Leaders - A Manual for Ethical Management Kategorie Bücher Autor: Thomas D. Zweifel, Rabbi Aaron Raskin Sprache: Englisch. Details »
Aaron L. Raskin - Alle Hörbücher bei Audible ~ Entdecken Sie alle Hörbücher von Aaron L. Raskin auf Audible: 1 Hörbuch Ihrer Wahl pro Monat Der erste Monat geht auf uns.
THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE ~ His principles of vision, leadership, and human relations make it a practical teaching tool for business leaders today. I highly recommend it. -- Nolan Archibald, President and CEO, Black and Decker . THE SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE Brought to you by FlyHeart The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People suggests a discipline for our personal dealings with people which would be .
The Ten Commandments / PragerU ~ It's the Ten Commandments -- ten basic, yet profound instructions for how to lead a moral life. If everyone followed the Ten Commandments, we would not need armies or police; marriages and families would be stronger; truth would be a paramount value. Dennis Prager explains how the Ten Commandments led to the creation of Western Civilization and why they remain relevant to your life today. This .
Turning Judaism Outwards (Hörbuch Download) von Chaim ~ Schauen Sie sich dieses Hörbuch auf Audible an. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994), the Lubavitcher Rebbe, took an insular Chasidic group that was almost decimated by the Holocaust and transformed it into one of the most influential and controversial forces in world Jewry. This superbly craf.
Le Golem - Wikipedia ~ De Trignac is taken to Rabbi Jacob's house by his wife Rachel (Jany Holt). When Rudolph gets engaged to his cousin Isabel of Spain, it angers Strada who charms De Trignac to steal Jacob's Golem. Friedrich (Gaston Jacquest), the prefect of the police informs Rudolph of the Golem's disappearance. Rabbi Jacob is brought into the palace by Rudolph and told if any Jews are found in relation with .