Beschreibung Ecological Economics, Second Edition: Principles and Applications. In its first edition, this book helped to define the emerging field of ecological economics. This new edition surveys the field today. It incorporates all of the latest research findings and grounds economic inquiry in a more robust understanding of human needs and behavior. Humans and ecological systems, it argues, are inextricably bound together in complex and long-misunderstood ways. According to ecological economists, conventional economics does not reflect adequately the value of essential factors like clean air and water, species diversity, and social and generational equity. By excluding biophysical and social systems from their analyses, many conventional economists have overlooked problems of the increasing scale of human impacts and the inequitable distribution of resources. This introductory-level textbook is designed specifically to address this significant flaw in economic thought. The book describes a relatively new transdiscipline that incorporates insights from the biological, physical, and social sciences. It provides students with a foundation in traditional neoclassical economic thought, but places that foundation within an interdisciplinary framework that embraces the linkages among economic growth, environmental degradation, and social inequity. In doing so, it presents a revolutionary way of viewing the world. The second edition of Ecological Economics provides a clear, readable, and easy-to-understand overview of a field of study that continues to grow in importance. It remains the only stand-alone textbook that offers a complete explanation of theory and practice in the discipline.
Ecological Economics - Internet Archive ~ Principles and Applications Second Edition Herman E. Daly and Joshua Farley Washington / Covelo / London. Contents ix Acknowledgments / xv A Note to Instructors / xvii Introduction / xix PART I AN INTRODUCTION TO ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS / 1 Chapter 1 Why Study Economics? / 3 What Is Economics?/ 3 The Purpose of This Textbook/ 6 Coevolutionary Economics/ 7 The Era of Ecological Constraints/ 11 Big .
Ecological Economics-Principles and Applications : Free ~ Ecological Economics-Principles and Applications. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon.
About Island Press - IndoMarine- ~ Ecological economics : principles and applications / by Herman E. Daly and Joshua Farley. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-55963-312-3 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Environmental economics. I. Farley, Joshua C., 1963– . II. Title. HD75.6.E348 2003 333.7—dc22 British Cataloguing-in-Publication Data available. Design by Mary McKeon Printed on recycled, acid-free paper .
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Economics and the Ecosystem (English Edition) eBook ~ The essays collected here are predominantly informed by an ecological economics perspective. As such, they are implicitly or explicitly critical of the theory and role of mainstream economics both in creating the emergency and now in hiding its existence. Especially at issue are mainstream concepts that are antithetical to recognizing environmental limits and to remaining within them.
Herman Daly – Wikipedia ~ Sein Lehrbuch zu Ecological Economics gibt er inzwischen mit Joshua Farley (* 1963) heraus. [5] Daly wurde 1996 ehrenhalber mit dem Right Livelihood Award ausgezeichnet [6] sowie mit dem Heineken Prize for Environmental Science der königlichen Niederländischen Akademie der Künste und Wissenschaften. 1999 erhielt er für sein Umweltengagement den Sophie-Preis .
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