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    The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth

    Beschreibung The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth. In a time of uncertainty about our environmental future—an eye-opening global tour of some of the most wounded places on earth, and stories of how a passionate group of eco-restorers is leading the way to their revitalization.Award-winning science journalist Judith D. Schwartz takes us first to China’s Loess Plateau, where a landmark project has successfully restored a blighted region the size of Belgium, lifting millions of people out of poverty. She journeys on to Norway, where a young indigenous reindeer herder challenges the most powerful orthodoxies of conservation—and his own government. And in the Middle East, she follows the visionary work of an ambitious young American as he attempts to re-engineer the desert ecosystem, using plants as his most sophisticated technology.Schwartz explores regenerative solutions across a range of landscapes: deserts, grasslands, tropics, tundra, Mediterranean. She also highlights various human landscapes, the legacy of colonialism and industrial agriculture, and the endurance of indigenous knowledge.The Reindeer Chronicles demonstrates how solutions to seemingly intractable problems can come from the unlikeliest of places, and how the restoration of local water, carbon, nutrient, and energy cycles can play a dramatic role in stabilizing the global climate. Ultimately, it reveals how much is in our hands if we can find a way to work together and follow nature’s lead.

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    The Reindeer Chronicles by Judith D. Schwartz / Chelsea ~ And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth In a time of uncertainty about our environmental future—an eye-opening global tour of some of the most wounded places on earth, and stories of how a passionate group of eco-restorers is leading the

    The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of ~ The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth (Paperback) By Judith D. Schwartz. $17.95 . In Stock, Click Title for Location. The Toadstool Bookshop Peterborough. 1 on hand, as of Nov 14 10:15pm. The Toadstool Bookshop Keene. 1 on hand, as of Nov 14 6:15pm. The Toadstool Bookshop Nashua. 1 on hand, as of Nov 14 4:30pm. Description "Compelling .

    The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of ~ The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth [Schwartz, Judith D.] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth

    The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of ~ The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth-P2P Posted on 24.08.2020 at 07:26 in eBook , Ebooks by sCar In a time of uncertainty about our environmental future—an eye-opening global tour of some of the most wounded places on earth, and stories of how a passionate group of eco-restorers is leading the way to their revitalization.

    The reindeer chronicles : and other inspiring stories of ~ Get this from a library! The reindeer chronicles : and other inspiring stories of working with nature to heal the earth. [Judith D Schwartz] -- "A global tour of earth repair and some of the unsung heroes pushing the boundaries of ecological restoration to show how even the world's most wounded places can be revived The book begins in .

    The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of ~ The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by Schwartz, Judith D.. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Reindeer Chronicles: And Other Inspiring Stories of Working with Nature to Heal the Earth .

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