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    Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security

    Beschreibung Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security. A powerfully simple, must-have manifesto on money with more than 90 wealth-building rules from the Today show's finance guru.In a time of great financial uncertainty, this is the book everyone must read. The bottom line: Money is simple-people make it complicated. Now, bestselling personal finance author Jean Chatzky has distilled this simplicity into a smart, immediate, and entertaining set of rules that will change readers' financial lives. Chatzky removes the stress associated with all things money and says it clearly: Readers who follow these basic yet crucial approaches to spending, saving, investing, increasing their income, and most importantly, protecting what they have, will build the wealth and financial stability they've been dreaming of. Chatzky's advice is reassuring, straightforward, and often counterintuitive, including: • Date your stocks; don't marry them.• 'More money' won't always make you 'more happy.'• To spend less, carry Benjamins, not Jacksons.• If you can't explain it, don't invest in it.• 'Free' can be very expensive.Written in her trademark warm, witty voice, and with a special Dos and Don'ts section, Money Rules is the only book readers really need to achieve true financial health and happiness.

    Buch Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security PDF ePub

    Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security: Chatzky ~ A powerfully simple, must-have manifesto on money with more than 90 wealth-building rules from the Today show's finance guru. In a time of great financial uncertainty, this is the book everyone must read. The bottom line: Money is simple-people make it complicated. Now, bestselling personal finance author Jean Chatzky has distilled this .

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