Beschreibung Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation. Protected natural areas have historically been the primary tool of conservationists to conserve land and wildlife. These parks and reserves are set apart to forever remain in contrast to those places where human activities, technologies, and developments prevail. But even as the biodiversity crisis accelerates, a growing number of voices are suggesting that protected areas are passé. Conservation, they argue, should instead focus on lands managed for human use&;working landscapes&;and abandon the goal of preventing human-caused extinctions in favor of maintaining ecosystem services to support people. If such arguments take hold, we risk losing support for the unique qualities and values of wild, undeveloped nature.Protecting the Wild offers a spirited argument for the robust protection of the natural world. In it, experts from five continents reaffirm that parks, wilderness areas, and other reserves are an indispensable&;albeit insufficient&;means to sustain species, subspecies, key habitats, ecological processes, and evolutionary potential. Using case studies from around the globe, they present evidence that terrestrial and marine protected areas are crucial for biodiversity and human well-being alike, vital to countering anthropogenic extinctions and climate change. A companion volume to Keeping the Wild: Against the Domestication of Earth, Protecting the Wild provides a necessary addition to the conversation about the future of conservation in the so-called Anthropocene, one that will be useful for academics, policymakers, and conservation practitioners at all levels, from local land trusts to international NGOs.
Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation ~ Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation / Wuerthner, George, Crist, Eileen, Butler, Tom / ISBN: 9781610915489 / Kostenloser Versand .
Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation ~ Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation (English Edition) eBook: Wuerthner, George, Crist, Eileen, Butler, Tom: : Kindle-Shop
Protecting the Wild - Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation ~ Protecting the Wild offers a spirited argument for the robust protection of the natural world. In it, experts from five continents reaffirm that parks, wilderness areas, and other reserves are an indispensable—albeit insufficient—means to sustain species, subspecies, key habitats, ecological processes, and evolutionary potential. A companion volume to Keeping the Wild: Against the .
Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation ~ [Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation] [By: George Wuerthner] [April, 2015] / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Protecting the Wild - Island Press ~ Protecting the Wild offers a spirited argument for the robust protection of the natural world. In it, experts from five continents reaffirm that parks, wilderness areas, and other reserves are an indispensable—albeit insufficient—means to sustain species, subspecies, key habitats, ecological processes, and evolutionary potential. Using case studies from around the globe, they present .
[PDF] PROTECTING THE WILD: Parks and Wilderness the ~ [PDF] PROTECTING THE WILD: Parks and Wilderness the Foundation for Conservation Download Full
Protecting The Wild Parks And Wilderness The Foundation ~ protecting the wild parks and wilderness the foundation for conservation Sep 06, 2020 Posted By Kyotaro Nishimura Library TEXT ID 3726441e Online PDF Ebook Epub Library of the natural world in it experts from five continents reaffirm that parks wilderness areas and other reserves are an indispensable albeit protecting the wild parks and
Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation ~ Protecting the Wild: Parks and Wilderness, the Foundation for Conservation (2015-02-19) / unknown / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife ~ FNPW is the charity partner of Australia's National Parks. We’re a non-government organisation on a mission to protect Australia’s ecosystems and native species for generations to come. And with the support of people like you, we’ve invested over $60 million into Australian conservation.
Colong Foundation / Protecting Wilderness and National Parks ~ The Colong Foundation has agreed to be a partner organisation for the inaugural ‘Run for Wild Places’, an initiative that asks people to get active throughout the month of April to raise money for a charity of their choice. GIVE A DAM is one of the three lucky campaigns chosen to be part of this inaugural event, run by Simon Harris, the organiser of the hugely successful Takayna Ultra.
Protected Area Categories / IUCN ~ II National Park: Category II protected areas are large natural or near natural areas set aside to protect large-scale ecological processes, along with the complement of species and ecosystems characteristic of the area, which also provide a foundation for environmentally and culturally compatible, spiritual, scientific, educational, recreational, and visitor opportunities.
CPAWS – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society ~ The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS) is Canada’s only nationwide charity dedicated solely to the protection of our public land, ocean, freshwater and ensuring our parks are managed to protect the nature within them. In the past 50+ years, we’ve played a lead role in protecting over half a million square kilometres – an area bigger than New Brunswick, Newfoundland and .
The Conservation Alliance ~ DOWNLOAD THE TOOLKIT TODAY GET OUT THE VOTE WITH THE CONSERVATION ALLIANCE . 2019 Annual Report. Click Here to Take Action Urge Congress to Pass Permanent Funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund. About Us The Conservation Alliance's mission is to engage businesses to fund and partner with organizations to protect wild places for their habitat and recreation values. Together we helped .
Friends of Nevada Wilderness ~ Friends of Nevada Wilderness is dedicated to preserving all qualified Nevada public lands as wilderness, protecting all present and potential wilderness from ongoing threats, informing the public about the values of and need for wilderness, and restoring and improving the management of wild lands. Latest News POSTED ON: 11/09/2020 Help Friends Outfit Two New Trail Crews This Giving Tuesday .
List of environmental organizations - Wikipedia ~ An environmental organization is an organization coming out of the conservation or environmental movements that seeks to protect, analyse or monitor the environment against misuse or degradation from human forces.. In this sense the environment may refer to the biophysical environment or the natural environment.The organization may be a charity, a trust, a non-governmental organization, a .
Protect Our New Mexico Wilderness - New Mexico Wilderness ~ New Mexico Wild Statement on Removal of Chaco Protection Language from Senate Appropriations Bill November 11, 2020 New Mexico Wild statement on House bill to establish Cerro de la Olla Wilderness October 18, 2020 Groups Criticize Secretary Bernhardt’s Draft Plan to Open the Greater Chaco Landscape to More Drilling September 25, 2020 New Mexico Wild statement on Pecos watershed protection .
SUMMER 2020 GRANTS - The Conservation Alliance ~ Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Yukon More than just Gold: Protecting the Dawson Region. Grant $ . Idaho Conservation League Protecting the High Divide. Grant $10,000 Year 2020 Read More. Photo: Green Mountain Conservancy. Green Mountain Conservancy Deer Run Nature Preserve Phase 2. Grant $35,000 Year 2020 Read More. Photo: KS Wild. Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center Expand the Wild .
Saving Wildlife and Wild Places - WCS ~ The Wildlife Conservation Society saves wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature.
About the Foundation / National Park Foundation ~ The National Park Foundation, the official charitable partner of the National Park Service, enriches America’s national parks and programs through the support of private citizens, park lovers, stewards of nature, history enthusiasts, and wilderness adventurers. Chartered by Congress in 1967, the Foundation grew out of a legacy of park protection that began over a century ago, when ordinary .
Serengeti Conservation Project / Zoologische Gesellschaft ~ Keeping conservation going FZS maintains Serengeti National Park's anti-poaching car fleet, as mobility is key to deploying ranger patrols throughout the park. Keeping service time down, and the patrols out in the field is an essential contribution to protecting the ecosystem. FZS also assists the park with improvements and maintenance of the .
National Wilderness Preservation System - Wikipedia ~ Wilderness areas in national parks followed, beginning with the designation of wilderness in part of Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho in 1970. Acres of wilderness added by year [4] A dramatic spike in acreage added to the wilderness system in 1980 was due in large part to the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act , signed into law by President Jimmy Carter on December 2 .
Places To Visit - Toronto and Region Conservation ~ They promote healthy living and community building. Explore a wide range of outdoor locations Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) offers for you to enjoy with your family and friends. Visit the top conservation areas and parks near Toronto. For park information, please call TRCA Visitor Services: Phone: 416-667-6295 Email .
Palgrave Forest and Wildlife Area - Toronto and Region ~ Palgrave Forest and Wildlife Area (PFWA) is a 306-hectare greenspace located in Peel Region. The property supports a diversity of primarily forest vegetation communities, as well as and flora and fauna species.
The Aspinall Foundation - Animal Conservation Charity ~ The Aspinall Foundation, a world-class animal conservation charity, dedicated to protecting endangered animals around the globe, was founded in 1984. Now, over 30 years on our mission remains the same. We are more dedicated than ever to returning as many captive bred animals as possible to protected wilderness areas and reserves located throughout the world. Our two award winning wild animal .
Badgerys Spur walking track / NSW National Parks ~ Badgerys Spur walking track in Morton National Park offers a steep and challenging hike on the edge of Ettrema Wilderness Area, finishing on the banks of Shoalhaven River. COVID-19 update. For 12 November 2020: To keep visitors safe ALL camping in NSW national parks now requires a booking. For day visitors, please avoid busy parks between 11am and 2pm during the school holidays to avoid .