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    40 Unbreakable Laws of Money: Laws for Business, Success and Life

    Beschreibung 40 Unbreakable Laws of Money: Laws for Business, Success and Life. 40 Unbreakable Laws Of Money reveals Wayne Wakefield’s “Hidden” secrets to the money and business world that only the few wealthy know. Through almost 30-years of business and finance, Wayne discovered Laws that must be followed that secure success.  He breaks the money world down with humor and a very common sense approach that brings major revelation to those who dare to take the time to read and invest in themselves.“Wealth has very little to do with money, it is about ‘applied knowledge’ and ‘your mindset.”Who told you, you had to go to a bank or a lender with your hat in your hand to qualify for a loan?Who told you, you had to pay for your home, car, boat and plane?  Get someone else to pay for them!Where did you learn that you must have a good job to become financially independent?Make almost everything owned legally tax deductable; including this book!Where did you learn that it took a college education, good credit and a savings account to become wealthy and financially independent?40 Unbreakable Laws of Money teaches why you should always be a “Wealthy-Poor Person!”Wayne opens the world of money and the secrets to the free enterprise system to create a mindset that challenges and changes everything you were taught.  You will not have to memorize the 40 Unbreakable Laws because they will become part of you as you complete each chapter. You will immediately recognize and start changing what you do financially through a revelatory new mindset.“You will never be able to go back and you will never think the same way again!”

    Buch 40 Unbreakable Laws of Money: Laws for Business, Success and Life PDF ePub

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    The Twelve Universal Laws of Success ~ The Twelve Universal Laws of Success is written primarily for those who have done all right in life. Giving credit where credit is due, the fact that you are around at this time to read this book means that you have already succeeded where many of your generation have failed. You have survived. You have pretty good health, and a decent job. How-

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    Talk Like TED: 3 Unbreakable Laws of Communication ~ Talk Like TED: 3 Unbreakable Laws of Communication . you will remember 10% of the information. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10% Retention If you hear information delivered verbally, you will remember 10% of the information. Add a picture and retention soars to 65%. 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 65% Bill Gates and Bono are examples of TED speakers who had slides with no bullet points. The .

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    Tennessee Law - FindLaw ~ Tennessee Law Welcome to the Tennessee Law section of FindLaw's State Law collection. This section contains user-friendly summaries of Tennessee laws as well as citations or links to relevant sections of Tennessee's online statutes.Please select a topic from the list below to get started.

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    The Law of Success - Wikipedia ~ The Law of Success is a book written by Napoleon Hill in 1925. It was originally released as a set of 15 separate booklets before being consolidated into a single-tome book. There were 118 limited edition copies, which were given to many of America's most successful individuals, all of whom had contributed to the content of the book. Orne Publishing used one of these original copies to create .

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    The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success ~ Business success equals money: this is in fact an unbreakable law - take away the money, and you have no business. The dictionary calls money 'a medium of exchange'. I call it the human answer to the inhuman hazard that dominates existence. Genius, intellect, health, wisdom, strength of will and body, good looks -- all these are prizes we draw in the lottery that takes place before our birth .

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